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Name: lindalu
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When my daughter was born she seemed fine. At about 6-8 mos we started realizing there was some thing wrong. She was not doing the things that a child her age should such as.... puting hands to mouth, rolling over ect. I took her to a neurologist they said she had Crebral Palsy. Even though I did not know what cp was I was devostated, I knew it wasnt good. As time went on I began to learn all that I cold about the condition I started to think she didnt have CP. The reason was, with a CP child their cognative level is about the same as their fhysical level. What I mean is she was un able to sit, stand, roll over, put her hand to her mouth she couldnt even hold her head up. She was exibiting no physical abilities at all. But she cognativly was fine she could talk she was smarter than most children her age. There was no drewling no seizurs and her vision was fine. With CP typicaly if your child can not excibit any physical abilitys they more than likely will have problems with talking, learning, they will have vision and some times hearing problams. My daughters physical body did not match her cognative abilities. I then decited to look in to this further. I took her to several doctors they all agreed with me, it didnt seem write but they couldnt find any thing else wrong. Finaly after 6 years a doctor said he thought she may have a Conjenital Spinal Cord injury. He told me that would explane why she was not like other children with CP. We hooked small electrodes to diffrent parts of the body. This would send a small amount of electric curent through the nerv endings and down the spinal cord. If there is a brake in the current then it is clear there is dammage. There was a brake at C5. That finally explained why she was so diffrent from all the other children with CP, she never even had CP. The point for this long grooling story is..... try to learn as much as possible about your childs condition. Some times doctors can over look the obvious. It took me the parent to light the bulb in all the doctors heads.
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