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Name: Curious
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I have a student who was diagnosed with ADHD 2 1/2 years ago. She has not had any medication and the parents have only had her tested the one time. No further conner's scales and the such have been done since she was 7. We are now in the process of doing some paper work on her and the mom is pushing for adaptions because she is "ADHD". I believe the child is, however, I am wondering if legally the ADHD still holds up. I believe the child has have a current diagnoses or have maintained care from the point of the first diagnose. I guess my question is, if a child is diagnosed, are they required to maintain a certain appointment schedule inorder to medically be labeled ADHD. Is there a time period between visits when a child would have to legally be reevaluated? I really want to help this child, but I do not feel comfortable signing documents labeling her as ADHD which I feel are outdated. Any help would be great.
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Name: gumball | Date: Oct 8th, 2010 7:04 AM
Hi there, i understand your confusion concerning this disorder. To start off with...ADHD is a lifetime disorder, it doesnt disapear within time,..but you learn to deal with it and adjust to its conditions. Here in Scandinavia they take ADHD diagnosing very seriousely and strictly, they also evaluate by a team of neuvropsyckologists and the top psychologists at the university hospitals , a "family phyisisian" or Doctor is NOT allowed to diagnose this disorder, they are just there to redirect you furthur to specialists, it can take up to a year of undergoing testing before they verrify a diagnose. Ive never heard of a 1 time session of diagnosing this disorder, but then again i live in Scandinavia and dont know how the specialists diagnose in other countries and what the rules are concerning diagnosing. But after verrifying this condition in this country the teachers/parents adjust to the childs special needs by using alternative teaching/learning methods for the best interest of the child. Medication is an opption here but all in all if you are first diagnosed with this disorder it will be filed in your medical records from day 1 and they do not reevaluate this condition once correctly diagnosed. I hope this info can be of some help and i understand your not wanting to lable this child as ADHD. Too many people assume this disorder as "just being hyper" and call it ADHD wich is not the case, lack of social skills, consentration, learning disabilities, motor skills and impulsivity assosiate this disorder along with hyperactivity. Its easy to miscalculate with a 1 time session, but then again its not my place to assume or diagnose a disorder and i have no right to go against a physisians word, I just know the Scandinavian rules, not other countries rules. I wish you luck in this matter. 

Name: reply | Date: Oct 9th, 2010 2:54 PM
My sediments exactly concerning the one time session. Here in America I have students that maintain a regular schedule in order to maintian medication dosing and any other student I have had goes through a rigorous process between teachers, parents, and psycologist before being diagnosed and treated. However this is a rare circumstance and I am not comfortable with the approach that is being taken. It is like the school has taken it upon them selves to assume this child is ADHD just because it will help quite the erratic, aggressive mother. It is just easier to give in to the mothers threats and aggression then what is best for the child. She is very difficult, but I want what is best for this little girl and I don't want to lose my job because I did not follow the leagal process. Very touchy. Thanks again for you imput. 

Name: gumball | Date: Oct 12th, 2010 7:46 PM
I understand the delemma this situation puts you in,..but is there any way you can find out if her diagnosage is valid? Don`t teachers have rights as well concerning the well being of the student? An irrashonal mother could assume and perswade schools thinking its for their childs best interest,. I find this very odd the way the mother is reacting in this situastion,..defensive if you ask me...Plz keep me updated with the matter as i am just as curiouse. "Gumball" 

Name: gumball | Date: Oct 12th, 2010 9:06 PM
BTW if you are interested in E mailing me then my addr. is : [email protected] 

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