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Name: singlemomlost
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I have a 4 and 1/2 year old son that has been diagnosed with ADHD. I've tried a couple of different medications and haven't noticed much of a difference. I've tried to take him to my local behavioral health center and they said he isn't old enough for therapy. I'm a single mom with another child and she suffers from her brother and the attenntion that is taken away from her. The most recent problem I am having with him is that he will not sleep. I have tried to keep a steady schedual for him and yet he still does not go to sleep until late at night and he doesn't take naps at school. I am completely lost on how to handle everything and could use some advice.
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Name: Stephanie | Date: Mar 16th, 2011 7:24 AM
Hi I absolutely know where you are coming from. you have to understand that even though he is diagnosed with ADHD he is very young and he does not understand himself how to deal with it.I have an 8 year old that has been diagnosed with ADHD at the age at 4. My son was the same way when he was 4 went to sleep very late also. I use to end up putting him to bed with me and that's the only way he slept and woke up bright and early. I think at age 4 I learned that you have to be very patient and find activities that will tire him out. What does he enjoy doing the most? and how old is your daughter? believe me my child will be 8 in a couple of weeks and he is still the same he is full of energy and could drive me nuts at times it takes him forever to complete tasks and he has tantrums anywhere we go if he does not get his way. My child use to be on adderall xl at age 5 but did nothing for him then when he got into the 1st grade I put him in a program called the cares program which provided therapy some anger management and just how to deal with everyday issues and every Friday I went for a meeting me my kid and the therapist and I discussed his weaknesses and how we could improve them. It really helped him alot. Now he's in 2nd grade and is taking focalin xl 20mg and is doing very well in school with it. Without it he is not able to concentrate and is like a little taz. I have a 4 year old also and he is the total opposite but tries to behave like is big brother alot of times but one timeout and he is good to go....hope to keep in touch because I always wanted to keep in touch with someone that has the same problem as me. 

Name: Stephanie | Date: Mar 16th, 2011 7:47 AM
I know it is very frustrating I've cried so many times because i could not handle some situations but the best part is that you found out now that he has ADHD rather then later. Now is your son agressive and always doing things he's not suppose too?When my son way 2 I believed the way he was acting was just the stage of the terrible twos but three came and he got even worse just to take him a bath or even brush his teeth was a fight he use to scream his lungs out that neighbors would come knocking...I would take him to walmart or the mall and would run off. At 4 thats when I went to a psychiatrist at a children hospital an started seeking for help so that he could be evaluated. I use to feel so bad when he was in pre k teachers did not know how to handle him and would make him sit by himself and that would make him more upset... In kindergarten was very rough I adored his teacher because she knew how to manage him but there were time that I would receive calls because he hit a kid or he ripped another students school work every day was something. I just don't like how some people stare and act like I don't know how to discipline my child that is not the case with a child with ADHD. Right now the biggest problem I have is him accepting the answer no an listening. He is very smart especially in math and loves to play video games he passes the hardest games. 

Name: Mandi | Date: Mar 17th, 2011 12:29 AM
Hi stephanie thank you for responding to my posts. I will definately take some of the things in mind that you have suggestes. It is very frustrating when dealing with my son. I'm just so tired and at wits end anymore. He is destructive, angry, pretty much out of control on certain days. Other days he's the sweetest most helpful boy. I've made an apointment with his regular pediatrician to regroup and ask for some therapy help surely it doesn't matter now that he's older. My daughter is six years old and she is so affected by the time that i have to spend with her brother and the things that he does. She goes around saying she hates her. He brakes things and has problems when ever he is told no. I would like to stay in touch it would be nice to have someone to talk to that knows what i'm going thorugh....all my friend and family just don't understand and don't know what to tell me. 

Name: Nicole | Date: Mar 17th, 2011 11:42 PM
My son is 8 now and on the spectrum and ADHD. He was diagnosed ADHD when he was 4. I'm lucky in that bedtime isn't that big of a battle. However, there are many days we have them and he is actually pretty good for me. It's at school that it's bad. However, as a single mom most people don't know or understand what it's like. And, I hear alot of "your kid is normal he just needs discipline." I wish they would see how much he is disciplined, however, I will pick and chose my battles and not over react to everything. I have to not only advocate at school which is sooo hard because they have the control but in every social setting with friends and at church. It's a never ending obstacle. I agree with the poster below, find ways to tire him out. Maybe an excercise routine or something. I was against Karate but found a guy that works with special needs kids and it really helps them to focus and be in control of their bodies. 

Name: Stephanie | Date: Mar 18th, 2011 5:04 AM
Yea Nicole I had my son in karate when he was 5 he loved it but it was only 2 times a week and very expensive. It's so hard how people judge your child without even knowing him. My son does very well in school sometimes he has his bad days but it's once in a blue moon my problem is when I go out somewhere whether it's the store or restaurant and especially when I'm visiting a friend he tries to be my boss. It is so hard and sometimes I do over react with him and will scream at him but then realize that this is a child with a problem and not a problem child.. I learned that I was looking at his negative side and overshadowing his good behavior. I've been trying to award his good behavior with a praise eventhough though he dint behave the whole day...I just hope he gets better as he gets older... 

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