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Name: KathyK
[ Original Post ]
Does anyone's child with O.D.D. or A.D.H.D. have problems sleeping at night? My 6 year old son who was diagnosed with O.D.D. at 4 has been on different meds since then and he has been having alot of problems sleeping lately and has been up every singel night. It is exhausting for him and for me as I am the one who has to get him back to bed every night. I have to talk to his doctor to see if there is anything that he can give him to help him sleep but I am wondering if anyone else is going through this with their own kids. If anyone has any advise I would love to hear it.
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Name: MN-MOM | Date: Dec 31st, 2007 5:14 PM
I have a 6 yr old son who doesn't normally sleep well because of his medication. However, I give him Melatonin (over the counter in the Vitamin section) and it works wonders to help him sleep. Check with your doctor first, but if okay, you can give it 20-30 minutes before bedtime. 

Name: Kim | Date: Jan 1st, 2008 4:04 PM
I have a 11 year old son who is also on melatonin (4.5mg) It has worked wonders for him. I was talking to another mom the other day who has a son with ADHD and she said that the CDC gave her a weighted blanket for him. She said it weighs about 5 lbs and it really calms him down. I have never heard of it but it's another idea. 

Name: KathyK | Date: Jan 2nd, 2008 2:00 PM
Can you tell me how much melatonin you give your son? My son is 6 and I take melatonin but didn't know I could give it to him. I thought that children couldn't take it. I am going to ask the pharmacist how much a child can take I am desperate. Thanks so much for the information 

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