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Name: Sue
[ Original Post ]
I just wanted to know is there anyone that has dished out 100s, even 1,000s of dollars due to adoption\infertility? I think it's so sad that people go through this. A baby\child needing good parents and a loving home shouldn't have a price.
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Name: Jill | Date: May 22nd, 2006 7:36 PM
Well we spent a lot of money on fertility treatments (none were sucessful) and about $20,000.00 to adopt our daughter. We are now hoping to add another child to our family again through adoption. It is rediculous how expensive it is to adopt and I think it should be just as illegal to pay an agency that much money as it would be to pay a bparent for a baby. There isn't much anyone can do though, there is no regulation on how much an agency can charge for an adoption. It's frustrating and unnerving to think that the agencies are only out for a buck and not the loving homes and concern for the babies and families they claim. Regardless of what any agency tells you they are all out to stuff their pockets, otherwise why would it cost so much to adopt?! I agree with you that a child/baby in need of a loving home shouldn't have a price but really it just shouldn't have a prohibitive price. There are a lot of families hoping to adopt that just don't have the money to do so, but can definitely provide for a baby if given the chance. I obviously have strong opinions here so I am going to end by saying, I fully agree with your concerns and frustrations. 

Name: Mrs. A.M. | Date: May 22nd, 2006 11:06 PM
That was the reason we put off adopting so long...I just kept feeling like we were buying a child instead of adopting. 

Name: misty | Date: May 23rd, 2006 1:26 AM
I truly agree the adoption agencies cost so much. There are some cheaper way and very honest. The state has lots of children you just have to be willing to accept older children. Which I would love either I got. I am checking on two girls right now. So I hope this works for us. If not I know we will keep checking with the state. Age, race and gender is not an issue with us. Special needs ok. We know it is all apart of the package. We just want to give love. Thanks everyone 

Name: ShayM | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 5:02 PM
I sooooooooo agree with you. 

Name: Pattyjb | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 6:57 PM
Our dream will not come true for $20-30,000... the price of a newborn. [email protected] James R and Patricia on parentprofiles.com 

Name: Pierrot | Date: Aug 31st, 2006 12:18 AM
Very sad indeed. 

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