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Name: aava
[ Original Post ]
Hi everyone,
I see allot of references to adoption agencies and I've not heard that much positive info on them.. I dont know anything about them at all. I wanted to ask a question here so maybe yall can give me your opinions on agency adoptions?? There is a reason for my questions;
I am not totally positive but I'm seriously concidering taking some college courses and such to seek out a career somewhere in the field of adoption! Like I said I'm not certain however I've never had so much passion in any one subject as I do in adoption! plus I want to learn how the best way to create some place for bmoms and amoms to be able to see what a positive choice adoption can be! Make Sense?
Anyway I really look forward to hearing your agency stories so pleez do tell?? This will be of great value to me. (dont worry I'll take a spelling class too..)LOL

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Name: seal | Date: Jul 30th, 2006 7:48 PM
Hey Desaree,
That is a wonderfu idea. During our journey to adopt I have learned about many adoption agencies. It seems if you can pay more you can get a baby sooner. I am not going to give any names here, but we were told that we could have an infant in 6-8 months for $25,000. OUCH! And there were a few places that were very similiar. However, there are several non-profit organizations that you can adopt through for half the cost. This is the avenue we are taking, especially after enduring the financial burden of 4 IVF/ICSI failed attempts. The reason I am told of the high prices is that you pay more if the agencies goes searching for birthmothers. Meaning they put a lot of money into advertising. Pretty much all the non-profit agencies are there for the birthmothers to come to them for help, they have their # in the yellow pages or send out a flyer to pregnancy crisis centers.
So, I say go for it. You have a perspective that would benefit you in this business! I wish you were doing it now so you could find us a precious baby to bring home!!!!!
p.s. don't worry about the spelling! LOL 

Name: readytoadopt | Date: Jul 30th, 2006 9:25 PM
Hello there are some out there that are only in it for the money and some have wonderful Amoms that care about the people they work with, as I have not had a good experience with any, I had a bad one time as I can not post the name, I will just say they are not fit to be listed as a agency, Hugs 

Name: aava | Date: Jul 31st, 2006 2:35 AM
Ok I get it a bit now. There like scouts for pregnant woman looking for choices. See when I found out I was pregnant (I'm probably opening a can of worms here) anyhoo I opened the phone book to check out abortion! I flipped a page to many or something I landed on Adoption the first ad I saw was an attorney for adoption he had a very sweet ad in the phone book and I called immediately just to see what it was about. I had a meeting the next day and went. I knew I was pregnant when I was only 3 wks, I choose adoption at 7 weeks. I havent looked back sense!
I always hear ppl chatting about agencies and so I was curious on personal thoughts on them cause I could read there web sites all day long and it could be a crock of sh#@!! make sense? 

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