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Name: Dana G
[ Original Post ]
My husband and I are blessed with 3 great kids.
They're starting to get older and we are thinking of adopting older children that are harder to be placed...maybe siblings. We can easily support them, but I'm concerned with the adoption costs. Does anyone have any information on financial help with adoptions...if there is any?
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Name: hmmreally | Date: Dec 18th, 2006 6:25 PM
http://www.affordingadoption.com/loans.php http://adoptionnetwork.com/adoptiveparen
http://www.achildwaits.org/ http://www.adopting.org/adoptions/adopt
http://loans.adoption.com/ ............... Also in some states if you adopt older children through social services there really arent the costs involved as an infant adoption. 

Name: kcg.65hotmail | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 1:38 AM
My husband and I are looking forward to adopting older children (above 10) when we get a few years older (we are 23 now) but we are trying to adopt thru the foster care system right now and financially it is the best way to go. The fees that you have for your lawyer and everything will be reimbursed by the state that you live in and you will be given a monthly subsidy for the children until they turn 18. They will also be on medicaid until they turn 18 and some states even offer free tuition for state schools for children who have been adopted. I think adopting children through the foster care system is such a wonderful thing because many children are great kids and do well socially and academically but they have just been dealt a rough hand. Do you know what kind of child that you are thinking of adopting? Email me :-) [email protected] I would love to chat with you! 

Name: kcg.65hotmail | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 1:51 AM
also "special needs" (at least in Indiana) can be any child over 6 years old, a child who is a minority or a sibling group. 

Name: hmmreally | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 2:14 AM
hmmm, kcg isnt like in essence getting welfare? So the state will be supporting your children? 

Name: hmmreally | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 2:15 AM
by the way kcg I want to thank you in your adoption plan for allowing my tax dollars to support your children when you get them!! 

Name: hannahsjp | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 2:54 AM
Hmmreally leave her alone. 

Name: hmmreally | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 2:57 AM
But hannah you all mighty princess hannah can give people on this board grief for getting medicaid for thier children? How two sided is that? 

Name: hmmreally | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 3:01 AM
I forgot for a minute if an adoptive parent does it then they are rescuing the kids and martyrs 

Name: Lynne Banks | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 5:15 AM
hmreally, you obviously do not have a clue as to what you are talking about.
And I am not sure I would be shooting myself in the foot right now. 

Name: hmmreally | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 6:16 AM
Lynne, I am not shooting myself in the foot, what I am saying is it looks really bad to say hey look if we adopt older children look at all we can get. If you cant afford the children there is no reason to adopt them plain and simple. If you have to look forward to what in essence is a welfare check for your newly adopted child you are no better then the people that are belittled on this site for recieving public assistance and aid. To me if you read the way it is written alot can be taken from it, one scenerio would be " lets adopt alot of children all older of course through foster care so we can get subsidised and get medical and then we dont have to work because they can be our paycheck". How many lifetime movies has this been adressed in that adoptive parents adopt alot of special needs children to live off the social security check? It is really the same thing no different still the state, the tax payers, and the people working hard to support thier own children are now supporting adopted children who should be able to be supported fully by thier new parents. If you cant afford adoption plain and simple dont do it. Many people have said it many of times on these boards. 

Name: momofadhds | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 11:23 AM
I must say I dont think it is the responsibility of the american public to foot the bill for an adopted child. Where are the standards in adoption if only harder to place children are subsidised. That is like foster care where the benefits never stop and when you assume the role of parent and tell the judge you can support the child financially and emotionally and spiritually in your adoption hearing your aid should be cut off. 

Name: kcg.65hotmail | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 2:23 PM
I was just giving her the facts so you can get off my butt about it.... I am not the one who made the rules honey. Of course alot of people take advantage of the system and they give the children nothing but there are many people who adopt who do no such thing. You have to prove that you are financially stable to even adopt or foster care. But with all the excuses that people come up with (like finances) to NOT adopt, this takes care of that excuse.

I think you can find some other issues to whine about that your tax dollars are going to besides this. 

Name: kcg.65hotmail | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 2:27 PM

With all the kids out there that need families who will love them, and not enough families that are willing to adopt them, they could use some more families. It may not be the best system worked out but its what they have set up to help people off the cost. And we all know that what they offer is not all it takes to raise a child. 

Name: Lynne Banks | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 2:40 PM
I understand what you are saying hmmmmreally. I have seen the movies you talk about and I cringe when I do because it makes those really great foster to adopt family's look horrible.
When you adopt a child that is considered special needs, (special needs is not only physically handicapped child but it can also refer to a childs situation) the state OFFERS subsidy's and thank God for that because alot of the children need some sort of help for a life time. Those susidy's can be in place for the child and help that child beyond their years at home. People can get those subsidy's both from the state and federal.
Now, would you like to get to the root of all this evil???????????
Go to the parents that have not worked their plan and who has allowed the abuse, wether physical, emotional etc.....to happen to that child,,,,,,,,,,,,,,they are the reason why these children are in the system,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no need to come and demean the people that have opened their homes and hearts to these children...........................
To others, just because it is cheaper to adopt through the system, it is not for everyone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,these children need life long care for the most part,,,,,,,,,,I know my girls do too, but this is different,,,,,,,,,these children have issues that are extrememly diff. to deal with it.............................And whos fault is that????????????????????? Not the adoptive parents..............Go find a board where moms and dads who have abused their children in some fashion and are no longer parenting them,,,,,,,,,,,you won't find it,,,,,,,,,,,,want to know why???????? because they don't care. 

Name: Dana G | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 9:45 PM
We aren't intrested in a monthly check to support ourselves or the children....I was stating we don't have $10,000..or .$20,000, or more to do paperwork....i think adopting from the foster care program would be a great idea. Soooo many kids need a home. Thanks to all who supplied information. 

Name: Dreamsofchild | Date: Dec 20th, 2006 1:18 AM
Responce tomomofadhds, I take it you have Never adopted a child with severe emotional or mental illness from the state? A child that has been thru Hello, that has been abused? These kids care, that would be counseling possibly residentual treatment centers for mental illness or for kids with the lack of being able to bond to Anyone? If not then Please do not speak for those whom have adopted those type of kids? A subsidy is an absolute MUST so that the parents that have stuck by this child and yes have adopted this child but they should not have to go Bankrupt to care for a emotionally damaged child's care nor should that child do without care that so many insurance companies do not cover mental health issues or counseling very well at all. So unless You walk in the shoes of a parent parenting a child wish severe emotional needs Please do not try to compare those kids needs with those of parents not in that postion. that subsidy can help those Familes to be able to adopt those kids instead of those children lingering in and growing up in the foster system. Which is NO place to grow up.

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