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Name: heartwarmer
[ Original Post ]
Hi all, came across this message board yesterday, and have read several posts. My husband and I want to adopt, and I was wondering if anyone here is from NY and can help point me in the right direction to get started in a private/independent adoption. I have read the laws on the internet, but am unsure what exactly is allowed in this state.

Dawn N
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Name: nyjocool | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 7:07 PM
Hi heartwarmer-I am from Westchester County, NY. I recommend getting a consultantion from a lawyer that specializes in adoption. The consultation may be free or a couple of hundred dollars-but they will give you lots of information so bring a pen and paper. My lawyer talked to us for 2 horus! Where in NY are you?

Here is a good site to find adoption attorneys. You don't have to go with the one you meet and you can arrange to meet another lawyer to discuss how they handle adoption...good luck!


Name: lemommy2 | Date: Nov 2nd, 2006 3:24 AM
Hi Dawn.

We lived in NY when we adopted both of our kids (just adopted the 2nd child this past spring...). Please feel free to ask any questions. Happy to help if I can. Briefly, we used a lawyer for both adoptions. In NY lawyers cannot help you find expectant parents with whom to "match." So, we advertised and networked. We found both of our kids' parents through advertising. The lawyer in NY helped with our end of the legal work (plus the pre-certiifcation which is unique to NY and needs to be done along with the homestudy at the beginning of the process). For our 1st adoption, we finalized out of state where the baby was born so a lawyer there helped us (our NY lawyer referred us to someone in the birth-state). For our 2nd adoption, we finalized in NY and our lawyer helped us through that as well. Hope this helps. Again, feel free to ask any questions (or you can email me privately: [email protected]). Good luck as you begin your adoption journey. 

Name: heartwarmer | Date: Nov 2nd, 2006 4:26 PM
I am about an hour north of Syracuse...way up north :)

I tried that site, but could not find any lested attorneys for my area. There are a few in the phone book, but they appear to be advertising more for stepparent adoption. I'm going to call anyway, and see if we can get appointments for next week when my husband actually has a day off.
I read on another site that it isn't legal in NY to adopt without an agency, but the way I read the law was that you can with an attorney...so confusing.
How long did it take for you to adopt through your own advertising? and do you have any suggestions on where to advertise? Also, how long did your homestudy take?

Dawn N 

Name: heartwarmer | Date: Nov 2nd, 2006 4:27 PM
sorry, meant listed... 

Name: nyjocool | Date: Nov 2nd, 2006 6:02 PM
Hi Dawn, you can adopt in NYS with an attorney without using an agency. I know that for a fact. You may need to go through an agency if your birthmother is from a state that says all adoptions MUST go though an agency (like Texas). A good lawyer is the best source of information. They will research the laws for the state where a bithmom is from and tell you what is allowed, if you need an agency. etc. My lawyer does 50 adoptions a year and has been for 20 years, so I am confident that they can advise me on just about any situation.

I go to Syracuse occasionally for work! It's not THAT far. Lots of birthmoms in upstate NY! 

Name: lemommy2 | Date: Nov 3rd, 2006 4:04 AM

You do not need an agency to adopt in NY. You can use an atty only (unless -- as the other poster mentioned you are adopting FROM a state that requires an agency. NY does not require this). But, if you want an agency, it must be licensed by NY itself (even if the agency is out of state). That really restricts what agencies you can use. The list for NY agencies & those out of state that are licensed in NY is pretty small.

For an atty in your area try www.adoptionattorneys.org (its an academy of lawyers who specialize in adoption).

There's also an agency i've heard good things about up in upstate NY. It is called Friends in Adoption and they specialize in open adoption.

Our advertising took 11 months for our first adoption and just about 5 months for our second adoption. We found newspapers by searching online. We advertised in NY as well as out of state and both of our kids were born in other states. A lawyer can guide you on where to advertise.

Our homestudy took too long b/c of our social worker (and her own "issues"). We started it in late December and did not get the final version of it till May. This is NOT common. It should take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months. Later, when we had to update it, we worked with a different sw and she was able to rush it through in just 2-3 weeks. Again, the lawyer should be able to recommend a sw in your area to do the homestudy for you.

Hope this helps. 

Name: adoptionready | Date: Nov 3rd, 2006 5:09 AM
nyjocool, I have a question. When did Texas become a agency state? I called an attorney there in Houston last month about an adoption and they said they were an direct placement or angency placement. And A site I have said they were direct placement also. I just wondered if they changed it recently. I did not realize it was election year and I guess alot of things will start changing, erggggggg. 

Name: nyjocool | Date: Nov 3rd, 2006 5:31 PM
adoptionready-I'm not sure. We when had our two hour meeting with our lawyer she mentioned it. Best to double check with your lawyer and if a situation arises in Texas, they can research the most current laws and advise you. I'm not great at interpritting the law, but I think this does hint that an agency must be involved for Texas-what do you think?


Name: Carolyn | Date: Nov 3rd, 2006 5:33 PM
We adopted our son from Texas in June. We had to use an agency there, but it may have been because Colorado where I live, is a mandated agency state. Only agencies here can handle adoptions. 

Name: adoptionready | Date: Nov 3rd, 2006 10:56 PM
Sorry to get in so late. I been working online all day. A friend of mine and I are trying to start a adoption agency and were getting our site figured out and getting our adoption specialist for agency licensing in our states. We plan to be up and going in the nex 6 months, hopefully!!!!

I did see that site and was confused and thats why I called the attorney with that one situation. It did not go thru so, Oh well. I figured the law had changed recently. Thanks for the responce back.

Best wishes to all,

Name: Gracie | Date: Nov 4th, 2006 3:36 AM
That is wonderful that you found your little ones. You said through kids' parents advertising? The moms were or you advertised for yourself. What kid of advertising did you do - and were that seems to be so effective. Was your expenses very high?
I hope that you do not mind me asking? Just trying to learn more to progress our adopting journey/search along.


Name: nyjocool | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:46 AM
I find New York to be limiting in that you can't use facilitators. But on the positive side, you are allowed to place newspapers ads. NY is a big state and I've heard a lot of adoptions come from NY.
We are also lucky that PA, CT and NJ allow ads to be placed in Newspapers as well. 

Name: momof1 | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 6:13 PM
up, up and away 

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