Hello, guest
Name: Julie-n-Lloyd
[ Original Post ]
As I read through the posts on here, I can't even imagine the courageit must take to say "I think I want to give my child up for adoption".

I can relate though on how scared and confused you might be right now. I was just 20 - and unmarried - when I became pregnant. I had no idea how to be a mother. To have someone completely dependent on me. I still wanted to be a kid myself.

But I learned. And I'm still learning. This year, I'm learning to be a mom to that 15 year old girl! Each day brings something new. There is nothing that brings me more happiness than being a mom. I love it! I love being a part of her every day life - hearing about school and friends, dance practice and boys. Planning parties, doing homework and talking through problems with friends. My husband is wonderful at giving the "boy's perspective" when it comes to dating. And he's very protective of her and wants her to know how she deserves to be treated when it comes to boys. We are a very close family. There is not a subject we don't discuss. We laugh together - vacation together - pray together. We love each other so much.

My husband and I have a solid marriage. We are very good friends and are still "in love" with each other. We believe in making decisions together - and we know it is okay to disagree sometimes. We know how important a good marriage is when raising kids. The relationship we have teaches our daughter how she deserves to be treated by men in her adult life.

Our hearts and home are more than ready to care for another child. Maybe you would like to get to know us - and consider us as the adoptive family for your child?

We would like you to remain a part of knowing this child as they grow - if you would like to. What greater gift could you ever give someone? What more admirable thing is there than to know you are giving your child a better life. Your heart is bigger than you even know - you are more loving and caring than you are probably giving your self credit for right now. Giving a child up for adoption is NOT selfish - it is the greatest act of selfLESSness.

We would really like to get to know you and your situation - see how we may be able to help. If you'd like to talk you can reach us at [email protected]. We truly believe everything happens for a reason - and God will bless you with helping to make the right decision, if you ask. We hope you'll give us a chance.
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