Hello, guest
Name: doodle
[ Original Post ]
Hi as I have sit back and watched and observed this forum in regards to hoping to find a worthy, stable loving family, that wanted a baby that I knew in my heart could not afford, yes I knew by posting my emails, even asking not to email me unless ask, I still get at least 20 a day, and I asked everyone to give me some time, then I posted that I had narrowed by search down, but then I sat here last night and I read the post and accusations made on Ice chick, on no I have never her face to face but I have spoken several times and she has never done anything except offer me help and recommend family's to me.
Please belive what ever your heart says and so will I, because in reference to all of this, I think (I know) this is my child I am carrying and I have the decision where it should or should not be placed and I have my opinions of people on this board also and they are not who they make there self out to be so all I am saying please look into these high tech profiles that some one keeps raging on because parent profiles are not what they are made out to be either. Once I again I thank the ones that respected my privacy and the ones that did not I do think that was very disrespectful but please the people on here that makes there self out to look like they are perfect has a lot of really ugly flaws. Take care and I hope each of the "Good" women find there baby of there dreams.
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Name: 2poms4us | Date: Sep 15th, 2006 3:13 PM
Thanks for your very heartfelt post. I wish you and your baby all the best. Sorry you could not find a family here or on parent profiles- or anywhere else. I think that you need to follow your heart. It is not always about being able to afford a child- that will work it self out- there is a ton of assistance out there for single moms. Take care of yourself,

Name: doodle | Date: Sep 15th, 2006 3:47 PM
Karen, Thank you! No I am still deciding on a wonderful family from this board, and yes I do understand about there are resources out there to help me, If I choose to raise her but resources are a temporary Item,
and a permanent Item is what I am not able to do, I also I am not by know means saying welfare is bad, but I am mind, body and able to work so I will not accept welfare to raise my baby, when I am able to work. I hope this family that I am speaking with works out, my whole point is every one was making a big deal out of Parent profile there is several on there are not as real as they play the role to be, Does that make since? Doodle 

Name: doodle | Date: Sep 15th, 2006 3:50 PM
I am sorry one more thing, about being home study approved there are several family's on here also posting looking to adopt and they are not home study approved so that should also play a factor, why post if you are not paper ready? Doodle 

Name: lisette | Date: Sep 15th, 2006 3:54 PM

I did not submit my profile to you, I just found this site, and we are home study approved.

My point here is it only takes on average one month to get the home study approval if the family is worthy. So if you are talking with families who don't have their homestudy yet, as long as you are due over a month from now, it could be done.

Hope that makes sense. Good luck.


Name: doodle | Date: Sep 15th, 2006 4:01 PM
Lisette, Thank you, No I was making a point about every one degrading people on here, this is suppose to be a Forum for us as a Birth mom to come to and second for adoptive parents to come to not a forum for Jokes, and Fakes and People talking about every one, that just makes me sick. 

Name: 2poms4us | Date: Sep 15th, 2006 5:17 PM
Hey Doodle,

Everything you said makes perfect sense! I started coming here a few months ago and it is crazy- sometimes it seems like a great site and there is nice dialog between pap and pbm or just pap's giving each other advice - and then other times it gets nuts. What I meant by help out there was not really welfare- but assisted programs that help w/daycare vouchers and food sources to get you on your feet so you are able to care for your child- I do volunteer work for a group that helps in these situations. Most poeple that work actually are eligible for more help- counseling, daycare, medical than those that do not work.
As far as homestudies go- most reputable sites require a homestudy to be valid and up to date before they will post pap. It does usually take only a month- however it could take longer because there a lot of little state things pap's must provide and health documents- all of that takes time. Also your attorney should be able to help you with pap's and make sure they are homestudy approved. Our agency and attorney would not even talk to us until we got all of that done. Keep your spirits up- there are great people in the world and you will find the perfect one for you and your baby.

Name: bbaby2006 | Date: Sep 15th, 2006 7:23 PM
I have to agree with you. This board is scary to me. As an adoptive parent I came her excited about the idea to find a pbmom online. Now I'm pretty certain this is not the route for me. I have found some really great support online, and it is not from here. I'm not sure I have much trust for a majority of the people that post here. It is too bad that it can't be a better place.
Good luck Doodle, I hope the board did bring you success.

Name: marilyn | Date: Sep 15th, 2006 7:49 PM
i agree with what you are saying. my husband and i are homestudy approved and we have been waiting for a long time. because most honest bmoms get scared because alot of aparents are not honest and are too pushy. i think a relationship should be built between the bmom and aparents. trust and honesty are the two main factors, and what is best for the baby. i believe it is so hard to find this on both ends, but i am determined to find a bmom who can trust me and i can trust and build a friendship with and with that our dreams of adopting will come true and the bmom can be at peace with her decision 

Name: Shelley K | Date: Sep 15th, 2006 8:36 PM
Marilyn ~ I do agree with you adoption is not something to take lightly. It takes time, patiences and trust in God. "It is possible" to find the perfect birthmom and perfect AParents that will work for every situations, but you have to find the right match. You will also have bad AParents and bad Bmoms. Not every situaion is perfect until it is the one meant for you!

We waited for going on 4 years of waiting, patience, and lots of tears and then one day it all changed when our birthmom contacted us through Parent Profiles. We had been on there for 1 1/2 months after waiting for about 4 years with an agency and about 3 weeks later we brought our beautiful son home. I am praying that we will find the same fit for a baby girl, but time will tell. I guess it took us a lot longer then 1 month to get our homestudy done and we got our information in right away but I guess if people have someone who can get their homestudy done quicker that is great, as long as they get all the information needed and nothing falls through the cracks!

It is important to have trust, understanding and patience in the adoption world and the baby that is meant for you and your family will find you. If you push a birthmom you will loose a birthmom so ladies, GOOD LUCK to you all and have faith that the Lord will bring you yours when it is your time.......


Name: Seeking2Adopt | Date: Sep 16th, 2006 3:25 AM
when are you due?
There really are some great ppl on here. 

Name: marilyn | Date: Sep 16th, 2006 3:30 AM
shelley~ where did you go again?, parentprofiles ? we have been trying for what seems to be a lifetime, im hoping that it will find us. that is what we keep praying for.
i would appreciate it if you could contact me and tell me about that place you posted on and your bmom found you.
my email is

[email protected]

thank you, 

Name: juliedunesnet | Date: Sep 16th, 2006 6:57 AM
Doodle writes: Does that make since?
Now where have we read that before? Oh I know, it was Icechick .
Curious as to how Doodle really defends Icechick too. 

Name: Shelley K | Date: Sep 16th, 2006 7:23 PM
Marilyn ~

I sent you an email!!


Name: lisette | Date: Sep 16th, 2006 9:09 PM
Hi Julie-

I also picked up on:

Doodle writes: Does that make "SINCE ?"Now where have we read that before? Oh I know, it was Icechick .
Curious as to how Doodle really defends Icechick too. =

Icechick kept spelling it "since". That is more than a simple typo.

I is on the far right of the key board. E is on the far left, That is 5 characters away.

That is not a mistake that people would make except for Icechick who thinks that is really the word (NOT !), so I now think that Doodle is Icechick also.

Icechick, the word is SENSE !!!!"

Julie, good going.


Name: califadoptee | Date: Sep 17th, 2006 12:07 AM
Hi Doodle -
I'm sorry you have had to witness some of the negativity that happens on this board. I too am one of those people that believes there is still is a small (very small) percentage of a change to find a legit bmom or PAP on this board.

I don't think I ever listed my email for you yet, but I will below. If you are still considering PAP's, we are homestudy approved and it can be verified by calling our agency. I do not usually post our URL until I have a conversation (email / IM) with a bmom first. But If you'd like to email me, I'd be happy to start a conversation with you.

You can also contact me for some pregnancy and adoption resources.
Take Care -
[email protected] 

Name: Scam Buster | Date: Sep 17th, 2006 7:05 AM
Is this "doodle" for real? 

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