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Name: mommyinwaiting
[ Original Post ]
I am sorry if I came off strong in my last comment. Here it is Christmas time and I guess I am not as upbeat as I normally am. My Christmas wish would be that everyone would be happy for the positive things that ARE happening. It is a positive thing that a woman who is caring a baby, that she doesn't want or can't take care of, to find a family that will provide love and security to that baby. It is a positive thing, that a woman or man who wants children, always dreamed of a large family, who can't physically have children of their own get matched or receives a child finally.

Adoption is a hard road for all involved. Some have to place their baby and it is very painful for them. On the flip side, the waiting parents with the empty craddle have to wait until they are chosen. Sometimes the wait is not long, other times the wait is for years. And yes, in the end the family that FINALLY gets to have the child they have longed for are over joyed! As it should be. Wouldn't you want the child you are unable to care for to go into a wanted home, a loving home, a happy home.

Most the time I let the negative comments roll off me, but today I need to look for the good. So I am sending out a wish, I know some may come true. After all isn't it the season of hope? I wish that everyone wouldn't be so hard on everyone else. I also wish that the hurtful things that have been done to others, wouldn't have been done to them to make them so unhappy or so bitter. I think it is up to us all to try at least to shake off the negative and focus on the good. Including me :)
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Name: Praying | Date: Dec 9th, 2006 5:43 PM
Couldn't have said it better. You and your family have a wonderful Christmas. Your Christmas wish will come true.

Name: mommyinwaiting | Date: Dec 9th, 2006 5:58 PM
Thank you Praying :) 

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