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Name: disheartenedNva
[ Original Post ]
My husband and I were wanting to adopt. We went through all the foster parent training, home studies and such. We were approached by someone we knew who stated she was pregnant with twins and knowing we wanted to adopt, asked us to adopt her babies since she loved us so much. Long story short, after the full 9 monthes, we had a fully stocked nursery, had helped her out keeping a roof over her head (in our home with her two other children), babysat for her since she felt so bad and kept them all clothed and fed, come to find out, she was never pregnant.
That was two years ago. She wasn't from Cameroon, she was someone we knew here local in the US for about 15 years. Even two years later, I cry from the hurt involved. We don't have the money for expensive agencies to process an adoption, we are a working class family. I am now to the point that I know it isn't meant to be, but the anger attached to it all is keeping me bitter when I even hear her name. I don't like being an angry person. I am fairly carefree and my husband is also. Any advice on how to get past this? I am not going to consider any violence. And legal action would be a waste of time since she doesn't have anything I would want.
And please, don't say.... I have a 2 months old baby for you. instant giveaway. I don't need scams. I just want advice. Thank you.
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Name: mamajane | Date: Feb 18th, 2012 7:55 AM
I am so sorry that this happened to you, especially at the hands of someone who had known you for a long time and was obviously aware how badly you wanted a baby.

It's probably too late to take legal action against this woman, but I would inform the police anyway - since she may take advantage of someone else in the same way. And have you thought about adopting a child through the state? Because I'm sure this would be a lot less expensive than an agency.

Please hang in there and stay positive! I thought it would never happen for us either, but we are due to finalise our daughter's adoption at the beginning of March. 

Name: disheartenedNva | Date: Feb 18th, 2012 7:07 PM
Congratulations on your new daughter. We went through our local social services, became foster parents even though when we signed up were told we could adopt. When we completed everything, our worker said "we aren't here to make families." We were very clear with them from the beginning that we wanted to adopt. It was frustrating and wasted two years of work. We were told our only chance would be a private adoption and you read how that went. It is very hard emotionally. 

Name: lorenlee | Date: Oct 24th, 2012 10:29 PM
i am from south africa and pregant and confused .i am a young girls aged 30years and wanted a good job and a home before i fall pregant fro who so ever,now i am pregnant and have wanted to abort the child but i see no need to terminate adn inocent life . now i have made up my mind to face it and give up the child after birth . i want to give it to any family world wide who is ready and capable to take thi child as theirs and show them love as if the child is his or hers ,
i mostly want to help old couples and money is not want i want LOVE is what i want . you can contact me directly to my email so we can talk better and see on how to trust each other then proceed if need be . . i will also welcome people who will want to be friends and advice me on if i took a best decision or not . [email protected]

I havent yet planned on a name to give him or her but i want the adoptive family to give a name to the unbornchild .
i very much welcome any mail from who so ever . 

Name: syfoster | Date: Oct 27th, 2012 3:14 PM
i am from south africa and pregant and confused .i am a young girls aged 30years and wanted a good job and a home before i fall pregant fro who so ever,now i am pregnant and have wanted to abort the child but i see no need to terminate adn inocent life . now i have made up my mind to face it and give up the child after birth . i want to give it to any family world wide who is ready and capable to take thi child as theirs and show them love as if the child is his or hers ,
i mostly want to help old couples and money is not want i want LOVE is what i want . you can contact me directly to my email so we can talk better and see on how to trust each other then proceed if need be . . i will also welcome people who will want to be friends and advice me on if i took a best decision or not . [email protected]

I havent yet planned on a name to give him or her but i want the adoptive family to give a name to the unbornchild .
i very much welcome any mail from who so ever . ↑"


[email protected] is a well-known SCAMMER who posts on this site all the time. 

Name: syfoster | Date: Oct 27th, 2012 3:16 PM
What happened to you is called FRAUD!

She WILL try to run this scam again.

Go the police and report her -- even if you don't want anything from her you can at least stop her from doing the same thing to something else. 

Name: may.mobley | Date: Nov 4th, 2012 4:53 AM
I couldn't get signed into my old account. She went on to get married and just had a baby girl. It would be futile to report her after two years. Oh.... and like we couldn't guess that lorenlee is a class act. Straight from Cameroon. 

Name: LuvMyTwins | Date: Dec 18th, 2012 12:05 AM
How has it turned out for you? Are you still looking to adopt? I'm really sorry that you were taken advantage of. 

Name: lesline | Date: Feb 22nd, 2013 9:52 PM
Hello Dear i am so sorry about that okay but do know that GOD still have many thing to do for you in life okay but will go straight to the point of me writing to you okay my names are lesline njie am a Cameroonian and have some children for adoption which if you want can give it to you s can make choice in my babies in any you want so you can contact me at ([email protected]) if you will want any of my babies home and when you want this babies home okay. ↑ 

Name: disheartenedNva | Date: Mar 20th, 2013 3:23 AM
really Lesline? Oh wow!! Let me give me give you all my vital information, any money I have and hold my breath. Let me fix up a nursery and keep holding my breath. 

Name: disheartenedNva | Date: Mar 20th, 2013 3:25 AM
Luv, we just have given up on adoption. Just figure it isn't in our cards. 

Name: disheartenedNva | Date: May 5th, 2013 3:32 AM
Talisha, as much as I would so love to adopt your baby, we don't have the financial resources you need in your situation right now. We are a working family that right now is living paycheck to paycheck. With our family, race has never been an issue, a baby is a baby, a child is still a child and it takes a village to raise each and every one. I will pray for both you and your child during this time of making hard decisions and pray that in the future they were the right ones. I know it isn't easy. 

Name: disheartenedNva | Date: May 5th, 2013 3:41 AM
Oh, and to all of those who helped me during my time of anger, I do thank you. I now don't feel the same. I am proud of what I have and I refuse to allow anyone to lower my standards, especially to reduce me to living in anger. As far as the female involved is concerned, I don't care one way or another what she is up to, doing or if she is happy or not. Your words of wisdom made me rethink what it was I wanted in life. As it is, that is just happiness and I can't do that and be angry at the same time. Thank you all. 

Name: silviama71 | Date: May 5th, 2013 9:16 PM
I live in colorado & in search of my angel..idk if you adopted already but I would like to tell you dont put your hopes up...keep searching for your angel,,..god bless you 

Name: disheartenedNva | Date: May 10th, 2013 8:33 PM
Thank you Silvia. I decided that knowing when to quit is sometimes more important than beating a dead horse. I know in the US alone, there are 38 million people wanting to adopt. It makes my troubles seem pretty insignificant when you consider the chances of children actually up for adoption is minimal. I decided to give my hubby more attention and maybe enjoy some time without the worry and stress of what I don't have. want and need are often two very different things. Just accepting is hard though. 

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