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Name: Dezzy
[ Original Post ]
I thought some one may take Interest in these two, adoption situations that was forward to me along with some information, If I wanted to work with them.

The following are two situations that have now opened to non-contracted clients. *Please note: California is one of the most friendliest adoption states in the country. A birthmother’s rights can be terminated via an agency Relinquishment, which can be signed as soon as hospital discharge orders are given. No foster care – direct placement, and non-residents can also choose to finalize their adoptions in California as of January 1, 2003. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office (818) 766-2222.

This office is assisting the following two expectant mothers, both of whom are having babies in mid-June in Southern California! The description as to these two situations are listed below. If you or any one you know might be interested, please let the office know! Please feel free to pass on this e-mail alert should you think you may know someone either of these two situations might be a good fit for!

Below appears the most up-to-date background information as provided to Adoption Consultants, Inc. by these two expectant mothers:

Situation One:

Name: “Nina”

E-MO’s Location: Southern CA

E-MO’s Age: 15

BF’s Age: 17

EDD: June 21

Baby's Race/Ethnicity: African American, possibly bi-racial (E-MO states BF is light skinned and may be bi-racial.)

NAI: Denies

Gender: Female

E-MO’s Physical Description: Height: 5’6”; 125 lbs pre-pregnancy weight; current weight 135 lbs; eye color is brown; hair color is black; hair texture is wavy; complexion is medium brown; build is slender.

BF’s Physical Description: Height: 6’1”; eye color is brown; hair color is black; hair texture is wavy; complexion is light skinned; build is solid (played high school football).

Photograph(s): In-House of E-MO. (Attached. Additional in-house and available upon request.)

E-MO's Health: E-MO began pre-natal care in mid-February. E-MO denies any drinking, smoking and drugs. Has asthma.

Medical Records: Have been ordered.

BF’s Health: He and his mother have Asthma, according to E-MO.

Type of Adoptive Family: Adoptive mother and/or father must be either African American or bi-racial African American

Religion: Open.

Type of Adoption Post-Placement: Letter/pictures updates once or twice a year. Periodic phone calls. Periodic visits would be great, but she is fine with just letters/pictures and periodic calls. She is open to reconnecting with the child when the child is older if this is something the child wants.

Reason for Placing: This will be her first child. She does not feel ready to parent. Her mother is assisting her with this placement and is also in favor of this adoption. This E-MO was adopted herself, and by a single mother. Both she and her mother feel strongly about adoption.

BF: Uninvolved. In 12th grade. He has another child his parents are raising, unhappily according to E-MO. He has stated to E-MO his parents do not want to raise this child. According to E-MO his family wanted her to abort. E-MO states he is aware of adoption plans. Appears to be fine with that decision, as does his family according to E-MO.

Medical: Has Medi-Cal.

Living Expenses: None requested

Facilitation Fee: $ 7,800 – Due upon matching. (Facilitation Fee reduced. A sliding scale may be possible based on prospective adoptive parent’s circumstances.] Additional fees would be legals to terminate parental rights, prepare ICPC (if adoptive family resides outside of CA) and finalization. Legals expected to run approximately $ 4,500 (no ICPC) or $ 5,500 (with ICPC). Legals may certainly run lower depending on whom the adoptive parents chooses to hire and where they choose to finalize. Referrals to handle the legals are available.

Situation Two:

Name: “Karen”

E-MO’s Location: Southern CA

E-MO’s Age: 35

BF’s Age: 38

EDD: Mid-June (though E-MO believes she will deliver in late May)

Baby's Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian/Creole/African American (E-MO is Caucasian and Creole, though she appears fully Caucasian & BF is African American)

E-MO’s Ancestry: Irish, Italian, German, Creole and British. (E-MO’s mother is Irish, Italian and German and E-MO’s father is Creole and British. E-MO states her race has always been reflected as Caucasian, as her father is very light skinned and appears Caucasian.)

NAI: Denies

Gender: Male

E-MO’s Physical Description: Height: 5’5”; 118 lbs pre-pregnancy weight; current weight 132 lbs; eye color is hazel; hair color is auburn; hair texture is thin and wavy; complexion is light; build is slim.

BF’s Physical Description: Height: 6’4”; weight: 215 lbs; eye color is brown; hair color is black; complexion is medium; build is medium.

Photograph(s): In-House of E-MO and her children. (Attached)

E-MO's Health: E-MO recently began pre-natal care. E-MO denies any drinking, smoking or drugs during her pregnancy. She denies any mental health issues pertaining to herself, her children and her biological family members.

Medical Records: In process of being obtained.

Type of Adoptive Family: Married/Single/Same Sex Couple okay. Someone in either the immediate family or extended family must be African American and/or bi-racial African American.

Religion: Open.

Type of Adoption Post-Placement: Pictures/Letter updates once or twice a year, unsure if she would like periodic calls to adoptive parents to check in once in a while, but she is fine if the adoptive parents prefer no phone calls. She is unsure if she would ever want to visit, feeling it may be too difficult for her, but she would like to have the door left open for this possibility.

Reason for Placing: This will be her fourth child. Her other children are ages 14, 6 and 1, all residing with her. Their birth fathers are not the birth father of her unborn child. She does not feel prepared to raise another child at this time as a single parent.

BF: E-MO states she met the BF on line. They got together when he was in town. She states they are no longer in touch. She believes he is working in Iraq as a civilian worker. She states she has no way to contact him. She does not believe he would want to parent this child.

Medical: Has Medi-Cal.

Living Expenses: No living expenses requested.

Facilitation Fee: $ 8,600 – Due upon matching (Facilitation Fee reduced. A sliding scale may be possible based on prospective adoptive parent’s circumstances.) Additional fees would be legals to terminate parental rights, prepare ICPC (if adoptive family resides outside of CA) and finalization. Legals expected to run approximately $ 4,800 (no ICPC) or $ 5,800 (with ICPC). Legals may certainly run lower depending on whom the adoptive parents chooses to hire. Referrals to handle the legals are available.

For interested parties, please contact the office at (818) 766-2222.

This e-mail is being remitted as a courtesy in recognition of your inquiry as to Adoption Consultants, Inc.'s programs/available situations. In the event you wish to be removed from our system, upon notification via e-mail you will be promptly deleted: [email protected]

Cathy Mantell, M.S.

Founder/Director of Adoption Consultants, Inc.

Your Name


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Name: Mom2BEE | Date: May 10th, 2007 7:34 PM
Now why would an agency send an potential birthmom this information? Simple they would Not So is Dezzy really considering adoption? 

Name: Mom2BEE | Date: May 10th, 2007 7:36 PM
Guess what they are Not an AGENCY. They are a facilitator. So they need to be checked into very carefully. Some as we all know are more ethical then others. So they are not regulated etc. 

Name: jk_adoption | Date: May 10th, 2007 9:26 PM
You are right - she IS a facilitator. However, she is one of the very honest ones. Cathy Mantell with Adoption Consultants is very honest, caring, dedicated, knowledgeable, and proficient. If you are interested in either of these situations, I would recommend going for it - Cathy is wonderful.


Name: Mom2BEE | Date: May 12th, 2007 6:00 AM
Ok and what does an honest adoption consultant or facilitator cost these days? Just curious thanks 

Name: wonteverbackdown | Date: May 12th, 2007 3:35 PM
Mom2BEE actually I got agencies and facilitators sending me situations when i was going to place london 

Name: jk_adoption | Date: May 12th, 2007 8:17 PM
I think the facilitation fees and costs for these particular situations with Adoption Consultants are outlined very clearly above.


Name: Dreamsofchild | Date: May 12th, 2007 8:30 PM
Won't was that because you had contacted those specific facilitators and agencies?


Name: Dreamsofchild | Date: May 12th, 2007 8:32 PM
Karol I guess I would want the average fees for most facilitators etc? Not sure if that is what Mom2BEE was asking for or not but I would want a general ball park? I have heard of outrageous fees for just giving a phone number and name for some situations. I hope their is a more ethical approach.

Name: jk_adoption | Date: May 12th, 2007 9:06 PM
Dreams, I have found in my research that there IS NO ballpark figure for facilitation fees. There are facilitators out there who in my opinion are as good as thieves and are very unethical. They charge outrageous fees upfront and if a situation falls through, that is the adoptive family's loss. I believe that Adoption Consultants' fees are more reasonable. She is very ethical and caring, and she has a sister who is an attorney so everything is done very legally. Adoption is always risky, even if you are using the best attorney or adoption agency in the world, but it is less risky if you use someone who is very experienced, very diligent, and very caring, and I think Cathy fits that description. Cathy's website has a ton of information on it concerning her adoption programs and how everything works. If you want to find out more about Cathy, she is very easy to reach, and is wonderful about returning phone calls at all hours. I'm sure she would be happy to answer any questions you may have for her. I have never adopted through her, but I have spoken with her, and have heard wonderful things from others who have used her. Best of luck to everyone in their adoption endeavors.


Name: HeatherUK | Date: May 14th, 2007 11:03 AM
why is there a fee involved in placing babies? why should anyone profit financially from separating mothers and babies? How is this legal? 

Name: wonteverbackdown | Date: May 14th, 2007 2:36 PM
Nope Dreams the only facilitator I talked to was one certain one everyone knows well in California 

Name: hannahsjp | Date: May 14th, 2007 10:54 PM
Shauna did you see the filth that Janet posted about you? Funnily enough its been deleted but only after Nicole posted how she is being arrested soon. 

Name: wonteverbackdown | Date: May 15th, 2007 2:48 AM
Yeah hannah i saw it and funny yet it is stuff my arsonist ex posted to try and use against me in a custody battle and oddly enough I dont have the password to remove it. 

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