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Name: gylee
[ Original Post ]
Is there someone who can help me? Actually my Brother and sister-in-law. They have been married for 20 years, but have been unable to have children. They have helped myself and my other brother and sisters raise all of our children. They would make the best parents. They gave up on ever having one so I talked my sister(in-law) into looking into adoption. When she got the paperwork, once again, she was crushed. The cost is around $20,000. There is no way they can do that, even with family help. It just seems wrong that 2 people with so much love to give to a baby will never be able to. And I feel responsible for crushing their hopes, again. They are happy with their life, but I know a baby would complete that. And they are so deserving. Is there any way to adopt a baby that doesn't cost so much? Race doesn't matter.
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Name: califadoptee | Date: Jul 20th, 2006 3:51 PM
Gylee - this forum is not the safest place to search. Before you consider any respose from a bmom from this board, please read every (and I mean EVERY) post so you can become familiar with the scams / scammers.

There are agencies that specialize in minority race and special needs adoptions. The foster care system is also another avenue that will cost less, and sometimes a placement can happen quickly, but the trade off is that the adoptive family will need to qualify as a foster family. It is really not as difficult as it sounds. The best place to find out about fost/adopt is to check with a local State / County Health & Human Services Dept.

As I have posted before, there are more legitimate places to get info and fidn resources, services, and professionals than on this board.

Here is one of the most ligitimate resources for adoption information. The Child Welfare Information Gateway (formerly NAIC) - www.childwelfare.gov (select "adoption" from the left-hand menu). Use the resource links to suite your needs. This is also a place where you can register a potential scam / fraud.

It is understandable why some people hope to find a prospective bmom without having to endure the costs of adoption professionals, but it often comes with a higer price - a scam. There are safer ways to do this without an adoption professional, and often there are adoption professionals and consultants who may be willing to give you some free advice. Again, if you are ligit adoptive families, then you won't mind having to verify it.

Take care, and be safe! 

Name: adoption_mom | Date: Jul 20th, 2006 4:20 PM
I go to that site and I use the link to my left adoption and then what do I do that tells me nothing. Thanks 

Name: califadoptee | Date: Jul 20th, 2006 4:27 PM
Here are more direct links:

For the index of links: www.childwelfare.gov/adoption/index.cfm

Foster Care info: www.childwelfare.gov/adoption/foster

Adoption resources: www.childwelfare.gov/types

You may have to spend some time checking out the various topics. Feel free to let me know if you need more assistance. 

Name: adoption_mom | Date: Jul 20th, 2006 4:31 PM
Thanks so this is like any other Adoption 15-35K per Adoption. That was the reason why alot of us posted here was to find a Private so we would not be out 15K. Thanks 

Name: califadoptee | Date: Jul 20th, 2006 4:51 PM
The foster care system will not have those high costs. Private adoptions are going to cost on the low end approx. $10,000 and then upwards from there, depending on the attorney, agency or facilitator you use.

The professional fees typically do not include money given to the birthmother for any expenses she requests (that are within the legal limits for her state). Not all bmoms will have expenses. Some states have very strict limits on what you can offer a bmom financially because the state resources are so good.

BEWARE: If you think you can pay a bmom under the table, you both can be prosecuted and the baby may end up with CPS. Before you give a bmom any money, consult with a professional first, as well as research the laws in the state to determine what you can give money for.

There is no "cheap and easy" way to adopt. 

Name: kylee528 | Date: Jul 21st, 2006 3:35 AM
My husband and I, started with an agency. We are now involved in a private adoption after being contacted by a legit bmom, it will cost us a total of $5000. It is ridiculous what agencies charge. They shouldn't get discouraged. There is a special situation out there for everyone.
Best Wishes,

Name: califadoptee | Date: Jul 21st, 2006 5:59 AM
Kim - thanks for sharing this encouraging story. You were very fortunate to have low costs. It's good to hear there are situations out there that are not all about money. Most people don't know they can do much of their own paperwork, but many don't want the hassle and so end up paying fees, fees, fees! Best wishes to you! 

Name: momofangels | Date: Jul 22nd, 2006 4:53 AM
Not all private adoptions are expensive.I completed my adoption for my daughter for about $300.It was a private adoption of a caucasian infant girl.I brought her home at 8days old. 

Name: gesyka | Date: Aug 13th, 2006 4:49 PM
To: MOMOFANGELS... hello. my name is Jessica. I am trying to adopt but don't have the money for an adoption through an agency. Even if i got a loan, why waste that money that could be spent of the child in the long run... please check out my website and please contact me with info. on how you a dopted with such a small amount of money. I would truly be grateful for some information... thank you for your time. Jessica

email: [email protected]
website: www.freewebs.com/gesyka/ 

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