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Name: MarnieJames
[ Original Post ]
She is supposedly due in July about mid July I think. She is seeking a large amount for expenses as she says she has to relocate. Her living conditions at the moment aren't very good (I'm not sure but I got the impression there was abuse involved). She has had a troubled past. Has anyone else been talking to her? I have a few suspicions and need to get her checked out. Doesn't want to deal with my attorney,
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Name: brenda.patrick | Date: Mar 4th, 2008 1:50 AM
Isn't that the girl who is supposed to be giving janet Posey her baby?
What has she told you Marnie? 

Name: deanna123 | Date: Mar 4th, 2008 2:02 AM
Yes, that is her.....But I think other things are going on now.....So she may be talking to other couples.....

AND WHO COULD BLAME HER??????????????????? 

Name: Dea | Date: Mar 5th, 2008 1:47 AM
Anyone who doesn't want to deal with your attorney sounds like a scam to me!! Definitely with asking for money etc...

I don't trust it at all. My 2 cents :) 

Name: deanna123 | Date: Mar 5th, 2008 10:32 PM
I was told today that Jessica is keeping her baby. She plans on getting married. 

Name: Lynne Banks | Date: Mar 5th, 2008 10:47 PM
Hmmmmmmmm, only a matter of time.
I am wondering if anyone can answer a question?
In MS, if one child is removed from a person's custody by the state, and when baby is born, do they automatically take the baby too? Would they allow mom to make an adoption plan if that happen? Just curious. 

Name: brenda.patrick | Date: Mar 6th, 2008 5:14 AM
Wasn't she living wit the Poseys'? So who on earth is she marrying? 

Name: deanna123 | Date: Mar 7th, 2008 1:03 PM
We have heard, not fact here, just neighborhood gossip, that Jessica was marrying into the Posey family. I was told that plans are being made and lawyers are being contacted....And it is all hush/hush.....that someone close to the family is helping Jessica. I also heard she was being a good help to Janet....I asked if they were going to get Janet mental help....and was told maybe....maybe.....That evidence was being processed....whatever that means.... 

Name: Lynne Banks | Date: Mar 9th, 2008 3:29 AM
Then she isn't placing her baby with Janet?
Hmmmmmm, then she has ALL that Janet wants,,,,,,,,wonder how she can be of a help to Janet, unless,,,,,,like in the Life Time movies, Jessica is moving in and taking over Janets home, husband and girls. 

Name: brenda.patrick | Date: Mar 9th, 2008 11:51 PM
MarnieJames I don't know who you are but I've been talking to Jessica Patterson and she is definitely not thinking of giving her baby to you. I can confirm she is in fact keeping her baby after she lost the baby she was going to give to Janet Posey. She seems like a really nice person. 

Name: deanna123 | Date: Mar 12th, 2008 2:21 AM
Jessica hasn't lost her baby. I saw her today. 

Name: Jessica patterson | Date: Mar 12th, 2008 6:29 PM
Well i figure since you dried up females got so mch to say about me i figure i can give you a chance to let you say something to my face. is this really what happens when you cant have kids of your own? you got to sit on here and make up awful gossip about other people. what i dont understand is why you even give a crap who i have sex with, marry, or do whatever in gods name else i wanna do with them. why do you care? and why do you care how many kids i got or or what i do with em? for all you who wanna talk crap about me, why dont you stop wasting your energy gissiping about me and do something proactive....like go do your husband so you can have your own babies instead of dwelling on mine. it is a shame that infertility can make such awful monsters out of you women and you ought to be ashamed that you aint got nothing better to do than sit on your fat butts and make up crap. although i suppose if you are talking about me you are letting someone else rest so keep n. just letting you know that nothing you do or say is going to influence the way that i feel or the decisions that i make so you might as well stop wasting your time. you think being a druggie and a high school drop out aint let people talk about me enough my whole life that it dont bother me anymore? if you think it does you are retarded. peace out you dried up useless sacks of women!!! im having a baby!!!!! 

Name: deanna123 | Date: Mar 12th, 2008 8:41 PM
I have children and grandchildren. I have no need or desire for more kids.... But also Janet....I have no desire to see you cheat lie and steal and recieve a baby either. You lied through your teeth when you said Jessica lost her baby. Why? I knew you were lying when Brenda wrote that. Why would you lie to her?

The people on here that I have met or seen a picture of are not fat.....Janet is fat.....

Matter of fact Jessica looks like Shauna's sister if Shauna had a sister. It was amazing how close those two look alike. Janet so far you have said that Jessica was a scammer herself and that she has lost her baby and they turned around and got pregnant again. If she got pregnant again it would of had been in your home because you are keeping her close aren't you?

Oh you forgot to mention that Jessica is an alcoholic also. And had drugs and alcohol while she was pregnant. You had better check with Jessica's doctor tests will be run to make sure the drugs and alcohol are not in Jessica's system. 

Name: Jessica patterson | Date: Mar 12th, 2008 9:28 PM
you know if it makes you feel better to think im janet that is ok with me but i am not janet and it was my idea to say the baby was dead. it is so funny how we dropped a couple hints here and there and you....deanna.... finally shut your fat mouth ( as we all know that is a skill you obviously dont possess). you know what i i think makes you so mad is that you dont want janet to have a baby and you are trying your hardest to make sure she dont get one. problem is you failed. if anything, living with janet has showed me that you not her is the more psychotic person. and as far as you saying janet is fat, i would rather be fat than be a fake, 2 faced old biotch. you say you seen me the other day. y dont you stop so i can whip your old ass like it needs? r u chicken to show your face? and if you doubt this is really me, jessica, then i will show you when you get here. 

Name: Jessica patterson | Date: Mar 12th, 2008 9:33 PM
oh and just so you know, i dont give a rats butt what you say r do... janet showed me all the slander you posted about her on the net. i seen it all. problem is i dont believe gossips like you. Janet is going to get the baby im carrying and there is nothing you can do about it. nothing you say or do will sway my decision. bye bye you gossiping whhorebag 

Name: deanna123 | Date: Mar 13th, 2008 12:21 AM
Go ahead and let her adopt and when it blows up in your face then you have yourself to blame. As for slander show me where I've posted slander on the net about her. It is not there, written by me. I have written the TRUTH. As far as failing. you have that wrong. You had better go over Mississippi adoption laws and you will find out it is as I say. She doesn't qualify to adopt. And the State of Mississippi will be invovled so she might as well call those State workers who are kin to James and see what can and can not be done.

As for fat, if you are Jessica, then yes you are. Plus you have proven you are a liar to boot. So lets see if we can have some fun. 

Name: Jessica patterson | Date: Mar 13th, 2008 2:57 AM
im the liar? i can scroll through this whole board and see all the lies that you and miss lynn banks have posted about me. you want to talk all your neighborhood gossip and sit here and start a bunch of crap and you have no idea at all what you are talking about, nor do you care. all you wanna do is sit in your computer chair and cause a bunch of drama. what, you think you are so high and mighty that you have say so over who get to have babies and who gets to adopt them? what makes you think your opinion even matters? all i see from your posts is that you are a gossip and you don't know anything about anything. as far as me being fat, whatever you say babe, im almost 6 months pregnant. that is kinda the whole idea. you think janet doesnt deserve a baby and you dont know her at all. you are just a drama queen. you dont know anything about me that you haven't made up yourself. and if you are so sure that she cant then why the hell are you sitting here still talking crap? if you got 7 kids you oughta have better things to do dont you think. 

Name: deanna123 | Date: Mar 13th, 2008 11:10 AM
Keep on scrolling and you might learn something. Yes I have 7 children, but mine are mostly grown so I guess I can be on here if I want to.

As for neighborhood gossip at least I do write if it is fact or gossip. I do not write fact when it isn't. What are you so worried about, that some of the gossip is based on fact?

You want to talk crap, but there is no defending Janet. She has lied and cheated repeatly. So which story did you get for her wanting a baby? That she had a hysterectomy? had cancer? failed tubal reversal? Or the truth? That she was so crazy even her mom wanted her tubes tied?

Has she shared that she has offered to have a baby for other couples? That would be a neat trick.....since she can't have any...Has she shared that she has told people that she miscarried?...not just with one baby but with twins as well...Has she showed you the websites where she says she has adopted a son? Or that she has twins but couldn't afford to feed them? So please send a wal-mart card for them. Or maybe she has showed you the sites where she needs everything because she was wiped out from Katrina. Has she showed you the letter from her pastor that says what a wonderful couple they are? That would be GREAT except he never wrote it. Or maybe she showed you the false background checks she plastered on the net? It doesn't even have the correct title that Mississippi uses. Or maybe she showed you her attorney's name? Too bad most of them hasn't heard from her? Or maybe she has shown you the hundreds of fake email addresses that she uses? Or has she shared her trails and tribulations on her trying to get a baby? Has she shared that ,she herself, wrote how her husband abused her?

So if you are Jessica you had better do your research, or do you not care what happens to your baby? You want people to know what a wonderful person she is then look to the net and see what you are getting. You are planning on placing your baby with a known liar and cheat. The least you can do is talk to her family, without her, and find out that her mom NEVER wrote a petition for her and her husband. But there sure was one on the net, with her name attached. Also ask her sisters how many times they have defended her when they were not even at a computer. Or maybe you need to contact her former best friends and find out how she used there names on this site, and they didn't know about it until someone called them. Come on, I dare you, find out the truth. Not my truth, not Janet's truth, but find out the truth for yourself..... 

Name: mangel2007 | Date: Mar 13th, 2008 11:47 AM
Yeah I would be suspcious too if she didnt want to deal with your attorney. 

Name: I am Janet | Date: Mar 13th, 2008 3:48 PM
Deanna, the funny thing about all this is, you say let Jessica meet my family without me, well let me tell you, she has and spent the weekend at my mother's house and many times I was not there, we had a great weekend, she met my older sister and Brother and see my neices and nephews, she even played and loved on my new nephew and her daughter loved playing with the twins and there sibling. I am just amazed how you can come here and write what you think you know, you accused me of not having a tubal reversal but ummm let me tell you, I did and guess what I had to have that one repaired but guess what Jessica was here when I went for surgery on that one in January, as far as friends I know you are speaking about, Jessie knows all about them and has no use for them and she has her own reasons.
I do not understand you say that what you say is fact but its not its all lies that you put together and make them sound nice.
I am never around Jessie 24/7 and she can call whoever and when ever and ask them whatever but why she is here with me, she knows who I talk to and where I go and what I do, Do I care no, but I promise you that you do.
I do not understand you say you do not care and that you do not want to adopt but you are always on this board, why?
Well you know its ok if Jessie chooses not to place her baby with us or not because the friendship that we share and the lovely woman I know will make the right decision about what she needs to do.
One last thing, about being FAT, she is not fat at all you wished you looked half as good as she does and next about drugs and whatever else you think she does, please if you had any common knowledge you would know that something would have already came up in all those urine samples that the dr's office get that I am at every one of them and they call me and Jessie if anything is ever wrong so umm not really sure what your talking about but see I do not think you do either.

I used to be scared of you, I am not no more there is nothing you can do to me and Jessica, you will not break our friendship no matter how hard you try you will fail at it, have all your friends email her and post things here it will not do you any good at all.

Yeah, why did you not try to get Jessica to believe all those things you said about James, she would get a kick out of it but guess what she already knows and also she spends alot of time with them and she knows him well and she also knows that all the crap you wrote about him was in fact crap, so sit down there on your computer and keep typing and making phone calls to anyone that you think you can and lets see where it gets you, I think it will get you no where but anyway I will close this little note and say to you Deanna you and all your little friends does not scare me NO MORE! 

Name: I am Janet | Date: Mar 13th, 2008 3:54 PM
Pss. One more thing you accussed of Jessie looking like Shauna a person that you worship and agreed to every thing she said and look what happen the true person came out and look what happen to her and all those kids but you know, you trusted everything she said about me and guess what it was lies just like all her storys of how good of a person she was and how much of a good mom she was, all lies. Jessica is nothing like her at all, she is a DAMN good mom and she would never do her children the way shauna did hers..... 

Name: hellsbells2580 | Date: Mar 13th, 2008 6:14 PM
I have had contact with a Courtney Thorton Nelson who is well known as the scammer Janet Posey. Janet lives in Mississippi and as you probably know from reading the other thread has been banned from here many times before. She creates new aliases and comes back. Sometimes she poses as a GS or TS or IP. She is also well known on the freecycle boards for asking for donations for people in need and then selling the goods on Ebay. She is also a public nuisance in the adoption world and trolls the boards looking for victims by either posing as a pregnant teen or a potential adoptive parent. Either way she is a huge liar.
She emailed me privately using the email address cbrat12000 and then posted a whole lot of lies about it here on SMO. She said she also went by the name Grace as detailed in the other thread and tried to get people to vouch for her, which failed.
She is using a couple of new email addresses lately, hereinaustin and momoftwoangels23.
There is a current Sherriff and FBI investigation on her at the moment.

Janet Posey who's a mom of 4 kids, needs urgent assistance for her and
her kids such as clothes and furniture. She has a 12 year old, a 9
year old, a baby of 13 months and a 9 week old infant. Janet needs
baby clothes, children's clothes & children's furniture ASAP.

If you can help, please email Janet ([email protected]) or if
you can't get through to Janet with your offer of help, please call
the KatrinaHelp team on +15042081564 with your offers of kind
assistance, leave us a voice mail message if our line is busy.
Alternatively you can send an email to the KatrinaHelp team
([email protected]) with the subject title as 'Help for
Janet Posey'.

i have no idea who any of u r but i just typed in janet posey mississippi and that all came up so i just took that off a webpage i think it says it all really!!!! 

Name: deanna123 | Date: Mar 13th, 2008 7:20 PM
Janet, show me where I've lied about James. You are the one who told everyone that James abused you. You are the one who said he was jealous of you wanting a baby.

And no I wouldn't believe that you let Jessica make up her own mind, without you twisting things to suit yourself.

It's a fact Jessica and Shuana look amazing alike. Enough to be sisters or even twins.

It's a fact that you lied and said you were a katrina victim.

It's a fact that you lied and said you had adopted a son.

It's a fact that you have lied and used your mother and sisters and friends idenity on here.

It's a fact you stole from your employers.

It's a fact that you said you miscarried a baby then two months later said you miscarried twins.

It's a fact that you wrote on craigslists that you needed Christmas for you and the girls and Jessica.

It's a fact that you falsified letters and sent them to people saying they were from your pastor. From the same pastor that said he hasn't seen you in years.

It's a fact that you said you helped with the youth at your Church...The very church you don't attend.

It's a fact that you said you had two babies, twins, and your father had died and they had nothing, to please send a Wal-Mart card. And you were 17.

It's a fact that you wrote on this very board how you had obtained an attorney, then the attorney said he had received an email only from you.

It's a fact that your background check does NOT have the headings of a Mississippi background check.

It's a fact that you lied on all freecycles and turned around and sold the things you received. And you are booted off nearly all of them.

It's a fact that you have claimed multiple times to adopting a child.

It's a fact that you offered to be a surrogate, egg donor and knew you couldn't be.

It's a fact you offered money to some people.

It's a fact that you have lied and cheated over and over.

It's a fact that you made up a website directing pregnant women to you. And you were busted from a man in Alabama, who has written to the Attorney General in our state.

Those are some of the facts..If I had time I could show you more. 

Name: Lynne Banks | Date: Mar 15th, 2008 2:22 PM
Looks like they are two peas in a pod. Let them live in their fantasy world. Fantasy worlds never last. 

Name: deanna123 | Date: Mar 16th, 2008 10:49 PM
Janet, a word of advice, you may take it or not, but you had better be aware of Kansas adoption laws. I know you think because Jessica has been here over 90 days they do not apply to you. But they do. And if you do not believe it contact the Attorney Generals office in Kansas and find out. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. So they said...... 

Name: Lynne Banks | Date: Mar 24th, 2008 5:55 PM
Just wanted to say thanks to all who copied this and sent to me. It has now gotten to the right person.

P.S. Don't buy into what the two J's are saying. Jessica talks about checking out the "gossip" as she put it,,,,,but she overlooks the "facts", either she is not very bright, and cannot see the difference between fact and fiction, or she is not Jessica, but someone trying to save her own rear.....
FACT: I have seen J on more then one occasion do this.

Hope your Easter was a good one! 

Name: I am Janet | Date: Mar 25th, 2008 7:36 AM
Lynne, Thank you so much, what are you going to do call Social Service and report that she is living here with her baby, what are they going to do, nutting, what is she unfit now? I think not, what facts are you going to use to try to get her kids taken from her, you think you have so much pull but there are laws out there that protect woman from people like you who think they can sit up there all high and mighty and have a woman to be unfit, I know you call her family, they still have to proove she is unfit and she is not, she is in school and making a life for herself. Please do what ever, call whoever.............. 

Name: brenda.patrick | Date: Mar 25th, 2008 11:58 PM
Janet I would have thought placing a little girl in the care of a known sexual offender would be enough to get her removed. Doesn't jessica have her little girl living with you and james, who is a convicted sexual predator? I really don't know how you live with yourself and don't you even care about your own children? 

Name: Blacksheep | Date: Mar 26th, 2008 3:38 AM
I was emailed all this and got a really Big Laugh this evening, Do you know that Jessica could care less and If she is even planing on Adoption, She maybe just useing them for anything she can get from them, Do not let her fool you, She is a No good Cunt, Excuse my potty Mouth but she is and with her nice rap sheet, she knows how to play with peoples emotions, let me tell you, I was one who she thought she was going to play with and I left her alone, she is no fool but a great faker. 

Name: I am Janet | Date: Mar 26th, 2008 3:52 AM
Dear Mrs. Patrick, I am James wife and for once please let me know where you get off saying that he is a sexual offender, First it would be a Public record and 2nd you would have proof, so until you have proof that he is a sexual offender, why don't you take a hike off the nearest cliff! HUGSSSSSSS

Now let me address the next topic by Black Sheep,
First who are you?
2nd Do you not think if what you say has any truth to the matter and she has a rap sheet then adoption is a felony when there intentional act that you scam a family for money when you know you have no intent to place your child for adoption.
3rd. you say you know her, how, show me proof?

Now I am going to end this by saying one last thing, Lynne I have my own name and what I say is from me, what Jessica says is from her, we are both grown and if you think any of your threats scare me then it does not, you mean nothing to me and you do not scare me, the funny thing is that you and all these so call other people gets on here and as Jessica says has nothing to do with your time other than write and post lies about me and her, you say there not lies but when proof is asked for you show a email, in the eyes of any law a email means nothing, If so I could press charges against all of you for slander! Goodnight******************* 

Name: deanna123 | Date: Mar 26th, 2008 11:39 AM
Well......it's been a few days since I've checked the board....

Janet, do you know it is against the law to move from Kansas to Mississippi, with the intent to place a child for adoption? You are breaking the law in Mississippi and EVERY state line that Jessica crossed to get to you. And before you say she is JUST staying with you and nothing has been decided...let me remind you....from your own emails and from your own myspace that has been proved that is your intent and her intent....plus the things you posted to Jessica to begin with...plus everything you have written....even on babycrowd.....

I, personally, do not know if Jessica is a scammer or not...But from the things you, Janet, have written about yourself and your family it has been proven you are a scammer. 

Name: brenda.patrick | Date: Mar 26th, 2008 12:00 PM
I'm not Mrs Patrick, that's my DH's name. You know that because you emailed me a rude email. Remember? And yes it is public knowledge that you are married to a sexual offender, it is all over the internet. Check it out yourself. You should be ashamed of yourself to expose your daughters to that filth. 

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