Hello, guest
Name: S.M.B.
[ Original Post ]
Hi, I just wanted to give you some advice, please read each post before putting your name, email, phone number, and your information on them. MANY of the posts are old, or scams, or both. Thanks Good luck. :-)
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Name: Dreamsofchild | Date: Jun 23rd, 2006 3:31 AM
Jessica Please be careful online. Give your email address as a starting point.
Best wishes

Name: Wannabfamilyof4 | Date: Jun 23rd, 2006 3:33 AM
Just another thought about a sentence in your post...."I am even willing to pay someone that is considering giving their baby up for adoption." It is illegal to sell a baby and illegal to buy a baby. Your post could get you into a lot of trouble. Do your homework and know the laws... it will save you a lot of time and trouble. 

Name: Flowergirl | Date: Jun 23rd, 2006 4:09 AM
I agree!!! All those posts you pulled up are very old and if you would take the time to read through them, they have all been proven scams many times over... several are the same woman! There are even many post on here that were from a guy pretending to be a girl! The internet, much less *this* board, of all places, in *not* the place to be advertising all your personal information!

Might I suggest that you start your adoption process by researching all the laws, scammer info and the correct process to take before posting all over for a baby? As a previous person already mentioned, paying someone for their baby or even paying them so they choose you for their baby, whatever way you want to put it, is *very* illegal and could cost you a lot more than money in the end! You could go to jail and never be allowed to even consider adopting again!

Adoption is a long, hard journey and we are happy that you are wanting to become a part of the adoption world, but we want you to be careful! Many people have been heartbroken and 'wallet broken' because they failed to do their research. Some also have had this happen, even though they did everything right, but knowledge is your best friend and one of the best ways to 'stay above' the bad.

Good luck to you! Hopefully, you will be a Mommy very soon! 

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