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Name: geminis73
[ Original Post ]
Our Story:

Me and my husband had been trying for over 6yrs ( natural birth) - then I had to have a emergency hysterectomy, so we thought about adoption then another 6 yrs ago passed, we are still wanting a baby- Many people don't understand our struggle.

I have had 3 women in this time contact me through friends or family members to tell us they are pregnant and can't afford anther baby or they was too young or they already had 3kids and another would be a strain, but they all kept their babies,

1 kept her baby because the social worker told her she would no longer get state assistance if she gave the baby up, I saw her a few months ago and she asked me to be her sons Godmother-she said that the state stopped her assistance and times were very hard for her, ( I helped her with a few things) then I had to stay my distance,

1 family stepped in and told the birth mother "we will help you - keep the baby in the family" and now today she hasn't got any help and she is struggling trying to working two jobs.

The last one broke my heart, she gave the baby to us for 2months, we provided a home, love and care during these months. In my home there is clothing for the baby ( newborn -12mths) there are shoes ( newborn -size2) there is a bassinet, a six department rack full of sleepers,t shirts,bibs,hats, socks, etc.. We have 4 packs of size 1 diapers (286)
so have a bouncer and carrier, 80% of all goods are new because after all this she wanted the baby back, I have been told by their family or people that know her that - she is back with the baby father ( who said he didn't want anything to do with her or the baby and his mother also) she thinks keeping the baby will help her - also she wants to keep the baby in the family ( her sister has the baby now so she is still not truly raising her baby) by the way this birth mother was 14yrs old. I tried to talk to her, when I went to meet her she was hanging out at a local teen spot with the baby at almost midnight, she was riding in a car holding the baby without carrier or car seat. I sit back and I look over all the things we bought to prepare us for this baby and I made peace that when God gives me the next baby I will be prepared and I will love them and hold them close to my heart - cause when God give a baby to you, the baby is yours......

I never tried to search for a baby or a birth mother who were thinking of placing their baby with a family - these 3 women came to me willingly, My sister told me to try to reach out on the internet - on forums wherever I could reach someone to get help or information - she said there are so many women out here that can't take care of their babies- so many women that are thinking of abortion ( which is their right) I don't believe in it because there are women out here like me.

So now I am trying to see what God has for us......

Profile Facts
Married ( 12yrs 1 mth)
Both 33yrs old
Husband is the Youth Pastor of our Church
Husband ( 1 son ) prior to marriage
Wife ( 0)
Live by the beach and park in a 2 bedroom-2 bath apartment
Both Work
Can provide character references upon request
Wife ( unable to have children -total hysterectomy)
Looking to Adopt a AA (African American)or BR(BiRacial) baby girl ( as we are already prepare for a baby girl)- But I will consider a boy as I want to be a mother
Agree to Open Adoption ( will send letters and photos of child progress)
Will Agree to Closed Adoption if that is the birth mother wish
Will Travel up to 6hr drive to baby/birth mother to finalize and be present for labor and delivery

Email: [email protected]
Your Name


Your Reply here

Name: geminis73 | Date: May 14th, 2007 1:26 PM
Serious birth mothers please respond 

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