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Name: apurrfectplace
[ Original Post ]
We're listed on parentprofiles.com

Hoping for a girl, or multiples (I'm a twin). Our profile link is located below.

We've been married 15 years, childless, DH is a director at one of the largest software companies in the world. I'm a writer and teacher... will be a stay at home mom.


you are an expecting woman who is certain of your decision to place your child, and have had counseling or is willing to have counseling prior to birth, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Our agency is pre-screening all interested women prior to us directly contacting you.
Your Name


Your Reply here

Name: Pattyjb | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 3:12 PM
Why are you hoping for a girl,this a red flag that there is something in your past about boys that needs resolving.
[email protected], we too would LOVE to adopt but all the agencies prices us right out of the market. The more time rolls by the more i doubt it will happen even though I would be a stay at home mom...... give me an email...
We are also on Parentprofiles James r and Patricia in MI 

Name: Heartstrings | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 3:22 PM
It is really not your place to judge why they are hoping for a little girl and none of your business and it is not a red flag. Most people secretly wish for a boy or a girl for one reason or another, that does not make them bad people. By making rash statements like that about other hopeful adoptive parents you only make yourself look bad. If you can't be supportive you really shouldn't say anything. There are enough people out there to knock us down, hopeful paps need to stick together. 

Name: Miranda | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 3:51 PM
I agree with you Heartstrings and very well said.
Patricia we also wished for a little girl which I do have now because we had a little boy 1st. Just because we wanted a girl does not mean we have something against boys. We would have taken either but a girl would have been nice. 

Name: icechick | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 4:29 PM
Ladies I do not know any of you but Heartstrings, I think what you said was wonderful and true, If you go to buy a car and you want a Ford and not a Chevy its call Preference, We are entitle to that in this life. 

Name: apurrfectplace | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 7:20 PM
We are hoping for a girl because... we are hoping for a GIRL. That's it... there is no "backstory" to why we want a girl! I've babysat boys all my life. I've loved them and nurtured them. I mentor boys (and girls) right this moment at a youth center in my town. And little guys at a homeless shelter nearby. However, since I was teeny tiny, I've hoped for a girl. DH loves little girls (and we have 5 neices and 4 nephews) So, DH and I are hoping for a girl. I think that is justification enough.

James and Patricia, your time will come. But until then, "cross marketing" your profile on this specific posting is somewhat inappropriate, given that, DH and I are specifically posting here for a reason, and that reason is to hopefully find a woman who is expecting and would consider us as parents. Thanks for not doing it again and to anyone else, either.

To any woman out there who is expecting and considering placing your child, please know that we are serious. We have the room ready, a diaper bag packed, and are ready for a baby's arrival, whether it be today, tomorrow or in the next few months.

We are working with a highly ethical agency that is pro-expectant moms. They will give you the support you need, should you require it, in the form of counseling, legal, or whatever else you might face.

Our state (MA) mandates that any woman who places with us must have pre-birth counseling. The counseling is free and can be done at a convenient place and time, in your state. If you have already had counseling, our agency will accept proof from you.

We send you good wishes and thanks to you for reading our profile.
and Tammi 

Name: momof1 | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 8:37 PM
well said Heartstrings...I don't understand why people are so negative when they post... 

Name: Pattyjb | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 8:45 PM
Some agencies refuse to allow you to say I want a boy or I want a girl, yet i get crucified for passing on this information.
Makes a birthmom feel rejected if she is carrying the opposite gender child. I meant no disrespect, just passing on what I have seen from other agencies on the web.
Gosh one agency I saw on the web will not work with you until you explain why you want a girl or boy. 

Name: apurrfectplace | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 8:47 PM
Thanks to all of you who wrote such gracious things regarding this post.

It is very sad that some people are so desperate for a child that they would disrepect their fellow waiting parents like that. They don't understand all of us have our own infertlity stories... I've been waiting many years to adopt, lost twin girls (stillbirths at 6mos), had a total hysterectomy as a result of losing the twins...

I respect each and every person, waiting to adopt, or deciding to place their child, who is on these boards.

BTW, I failed to give my email address in this post. It is [email protected] === If you are serious about placing your child and are willing to get pre-brith or post-birth counseling as mandated by our state, we are interested in connecting with you.

Our profile is very detailed on parentprofiles.com and is filled with photos, even an audio clip of our voices. We have a journal and biographies. Andreas and I are true soulmates who have been married a very long time. Thanks... Andreas and Tammi in MA 

Name: Heartstrings | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 8:53 PM
That is usually because most birthmoms don't know and can't afford ultrasounds until they match with an agency and can get healthcare. They don't want them matched with someone who wants a girl and later have an U/S and find out it is a boy. But there is nothing wrong with saying you want a girl and waiting for a birthmom who is far enough along and knows she is having a girl. It just seems a lot of your posts are negative and angry and I understand where that comes from. The process can be very difficult and most agencies take advantage of adoptive parents and don't put the babies best interests ahead of the profit margin, but we need to keep these boards postive for both our own mental health and to show the birth moms they have a positive alternate place to come meet potential adoptive parents besides agencies. This way people like you and me can bring home our children without paying an agency $20,000. And it does happen sometimes, my son is proof of that. 

Name: momof1 | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 8:55 PM
Andreas & Tammi...I wish you all the best in your adoption journey. There is a special birthmom and baby waiting for you. Don't listen to people that are negative, you just have to have faith and hope. I'm not a birthmother or an adoptive mother. I'm talking with a wonderful family about becoming a surrogate. Again I wih your family all the best, and you will be in my prayers! :) 

Name: apurrfectplace | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 9:08 PM

You probably don't want any suggestions from me on how to make the time worthwhile but I'm going to say it and hope others will read it and maybe the world will be a finer and brighter place for my advocating...

MENTOR. Volunteer. Work with kids as a volunteer.... I not only mentor 3 teenage girls, I work as a volunteer at a homeless shelter, playing with infants and toddlers while their moms do group therapy. I think the moms are fabulous and I learn a lot from them. One thing I learn is, they are very proud of their children. These kids bring me tons of joy and validation. The moms try very hard to overcome so many obstacles -- recovering from substance abuse, homeless, no support or little support from the fathers of their children, not much or no family support. I give them kudos for working to make their life more stable and to make better choices.

Give back and it will come back to you a thousand-fold. I am serious. I'm not a saint. Just someone who believes it takes a village to help each other.

Good luck. Believe me, you will find your baby. First it would be healthy to move past the anger and bitterness, because, your baby would so sense it within you.


Name: Melis | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 9:25 PM
You have such a positive outlook, I wish that I could be as positive about our adoption process. It is hard to be so excited about something, only to wait! And I agree with you about everyone having thier own infertility stories, I had a hysterectomy at 25, and it's just something that happens and I believe that it makes you stronger. Adoption is a gift and hopefully everyone here will be blessed with a baby. You sound like a wonderful person and the right little girl will come to you. She will be your little angel! I wish you luck, and my prayers are with you.

Name: apurrfectplace | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 9:48 PM
Melis, thank you... we've been waiting for a year. Actually, our year anniversary was last Monday. So that was a tough day. But staying busy, and working with kids, really helps. I am a writer so I keep busy freelancing and helping out nonprofits and friends who have businesses. That keeps me busy. Then there is the volunteer work. Another suggestion I have is, get ACTIVE! Since our homestudy was approved, I took up tennis, take pilates and yoga classes and work out at the gym whenever I can or whenever the spirit moves me. I've never been so physically fit in my life.

I also had a TAH/BSO at a very young age. I love not getting PMS but HATE not being able to have children. The minute I had the hyster, I started working w/kids. Teaching refugee children ESL (I also have a teaching degree). Mentoring (been doing it for 19 years) and now working in the homeless shelter. I've always loved kids, they crack me up and they are just so smart. Some of the things they say and do are so priceless! I really respect them.

Take care and good luck to you... maybe my responding will help everyone waiting think about things they can do to offset the pain and emotional trauma we all go through. Occasionally I get the blues but not often. After I've played w/a 18 month old boy for 2 hours and watched him color and play w/musical instruments, or built a lego "princess castle" w/a 2 year old who is smart as a whip,,, I am soaring and can't wait for the next volunteer shift!


Name: Dreamsofchild | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 9:52 PM
Just a question, if you match with a potential birthmom that they think is expecting a girl and the baby is born cute healthy and all but just happens they blew it on the ultrasound and the cute baby is a boy would You still adopt this birthmoms child?
best wishes

Name: apurrfectplace | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 11:38 PM
of course! hoping and "requiring" are two different things. 

Name: apurrfectplace | Date: Aug 31st, 2006 1:42 PM
Bumping this up, parentprofiles was down all day yesterday.... 

Name: apurrfectplace | Date: Sep 11th, 2006 4:26 PM
bumping this back up in the hopes that someone can help us. We are childless and anxious to build our family. DH works only a 4 day week and is home nights. He will be the best dad ever! I've had so much experience w/kids... volunteer in a homeless shelter working w/infants and toddlers while their moms take classes. Volunteer at a youth center. Teach 4-6th grade english. Will be a stay at home mom. I currently mentor 3 teenage girls. We love kids! 

Name: ILOVECOKE | Date: Sep 11th, 2006 9:47 PM

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