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Name: mommyagain
[ Original Post ]
Aso you do into finding scams maybe you would all have the children you are longing for. I am sorry for being so blunt but jeez I feel very sorry for any girl coming in this forum looking for a sane BM. Relax girls if you dont believe what you are reading then so be it... move on to the next but all these posts are sure to scare a scared girl away.
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Name: juliedunesnet | Date: Sep 21st, 2006 1:23 AM
And maybe if some of us didn't put any effort into revealing scammers then you would would have a lot less money than you do right now and a broken heart! Who are you anyway? 

Name: Scam Buster | Date: Sep 21st, 2006 1:52 AM
I don't think any bmom or PAP should really use this board to connect. Especially in light of how many scammers come on here.

I think at best, this board could be used to share adoption experiences, tips, support - but not to connect bmoms to PAP's and visa-versa. 

Name: Scam Buster | Date: Sep 21st, 2006 1:54 AM
Here's the paragraph written by BabyCrowd at the top:

Trying to make sense of the adoption laws in your state? Confused by the different regulations surrounding international adoption? Wondering what your rights are as a birth parent or as an adoptive parent? Just looking for adoption information? You'll find all the support and advice you need when it comes to child adoption in this forum.

I don't see anything that says this is a place to meet and match! Maybe they were on to something????? 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Sep 21st, 2006 2:00 AM
You would be correct. I didnt want to sound bad posting this by all means. It is just that I have been reading through here for a few days now and it is just so sad how much effort is truely put into finding those... yes... asshole people who scam good hearted women out of money, materials and what not. I mean I guess I understand that you are all trying to help keep an eye on each other and that is great I am all for that but that is all that is ever posted on this forum it seems like. Isnt there anything good happening around here that you could be sharing? Instead of dedicating I cant even imagine how many hours to finding the bad guys? Lets see if I understand this completely if you dont mind... You Scam Buster come on here and find the scammers whether or not they are BM or PAP... right? But then what you can uncover their secret yes but nothing can really happen to them and just for arguements sake... how does anyone know that you are not a scammer? I am not saying you are all I am saying is this is the internet and unless you "know" the person your really dont "know" the person. 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Sep 21st, 2006 2:01 AM
Oh sorry answer to your question My name is Heather and I am expecting #3... and for a little while considered adoption. 

Name: juliedunesnet | Date: Sep 21st, 2006 2:04 AM
So mommyagain...you're doing exactly what you are accusing others of doing! Maybe if you put as much effort into adopting........................................

Name: juliedunesnet | Date: Sep 21st, 2006 2:05 AM
Sorry didn't know you weren't adopting.
I really take offence when someone attacks the people who are looking out for this community. 

Name: Scam Buster | Date: Sep 21st, 2006 2:07 AM
Mommyagain - I appreciate your response, but we ARE doing something about these scammers. Since I have been Scam Busting (and not alone, but the way), we have been reporting these scammers to the the police and FBI. WE aren't just trying to intimidate them into going away (because they won't, God knows!), but we go that extra step. You can make a difference too.

By the way, there have been so more adoption appropriate and positive posts recently - just have to read more. 

Name: angel52392003 | Date: Sep 21st, 2006 2:08 AM
I agree these people on here just want to try to make everyone else out to be this horrible person but has anyone really checked her out.. I have been accused of some horrible things on here which none are true. And everyone seems to want to go along with her in harrassing me.
I am not here to hurt anyone or scam anyone I am just here just like everyone else looking for ways to adopt a baby. I really wish someone would check these people out, If i had the means I would. 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Sep 21st, 2006 2:55 AM
Julie... I can appreciate what you are saying by all means. In truth I am just a mom here and I do like good stories by all means which is mainly why I brose through the different forums. It was just very alarming coming in here to see scam scam scam everywhere. Scam Buster... thank you for clarifying that. I wasn't sure if it was just you guys saying "scam scam scam" or if there was real proof an/or reserch being done. I am not looking to adopt so I guess in all reality I have no business here but like I said I like a good story and I like to here of people lives being blessed with a miricle rather than "Baby found in dumpster" or the lady that was on dateline a few weeks back that scammed all the PAP... or the one that faked cancer for sympathy and money. I guess I was just thinking that as I read through here I would see more happy stories rather than "scam scam scam" Also Julie I very much respect looking out for your community I post mainly with the Due date crowd because I am like I said expecting and there is a great community there also that all looks out for one another. Like I said I am sorry if I misread this room no harm intended really.
As far as angle... well I dont really have an opinion for you. I dont know you so I am not going to say you are a scam but I am also not going to say you are Not. I will say this... If you are truely a good mother looking to adopt good luck I wish you all the happiness... If you are indeed someone out there just to make trouble... well I feel very sorry for you for not having proper morals about lifes blessings. 

Name: juliedunesnet | Date: Sep 21st, 2006 3:09 AM
Mommyagain there is always research done. Good luck on the pregnancy. 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Sep 21st, 2006 3:09 AM
Thank you and good luck on your journey. 

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