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Name: nyjocool
[ Original Post ]
I know many of you have had rather unpleasant experiences on the internet trying to connect with birthmoms. There are always dishonest women out there that do this as a game.
Newspaper ads to find birthmoms still do work. Lots of people have luck in the midwest and South. A friend of mine placed a lot of ads in Arkansas. She matched with two birthmoms and her kids were born 2 months apart in different parts of Arkansas (the adoptive parents lived in NY). My sister just ran into someone today who said they adopted a newborn from Tennessee from a newspaper ad. They were only searching for 6 months.

Of course you can have a great match and the birthmom can always change her mind the last minute. That's a failed adoption-change of heart and can happen to anyone. I think the women calling as a result of a newspaper ad are less savy and more sincere about placing.

Of course, lots of things make an adoption work and sometimes luck, fate and timing have a lot to do with finding your forever child. Don't give up. Tell friends and family, think about placing newspaper ads, etc. I do know a site where you can place ads in multiple papers at once. If anyone is interested, I can post it. I would advise calling to make sure they accept adoption ads-they should also have a list of states that do allow adoption advertising by couples.

Anyone here heard positive stories of matches made in the newspaper?
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Name: nyjocool | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 4:10 AM
Let me post the ad link-lots of interesting ways to advertise:


Name: momof1 | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 4:11 AM
keep this one at the top.... :) 

Name: Pattyjb | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 1:08 PM
Sometimes adoption is just not meant to be, and the Lord has something else in mind for life... we have gone through at least 30 children in our efforts and are on the verge of just stopping. 

Name: sdt1977 | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 6:01 PM
Patty, I thought you couldnt get home study approved because of a pyshc eval or something and that you could only foster? I cant find the post but was sure that is what you said. Have you considered maybe therapy to see if you are making the right choices?


Name: adoptionready | Date: Nov 11th, 2006 2:25 AM
FYI: Patty is on Parent Profiles so they have to have a HS. 

Name: adoptionready | Date: Nov 11th, 2006 2:26 AM
Also patty I was asked something and was just curious, but none of my business at all, what do you mean by you have gone thru 30 kids? 

Name: sdt1977 | Date: Nov 11th, 2006 2:28 AM
Well in a post a few weeks ago she stated they cant get thier homestudy done because she has some pyshc stuff that she cant pass so she cant get cleared to adopt that her worker said they can foster 

Name: adoptionready | Date: Nov 11th, 2006 2:38 AM
I saw and remember that, I was told to come and look at her post and was aked if I knew what she ment by 30 kids, I came to look and was wondering myself. You would think after 30 kids you would have one. I was just makeing a statement, did not know if anyone had seen her profile on there. 

Name: sdt1977 | Date: Nov 11th, 2006 2:46 AM
I have seen it and can see why she hasnt adopted. By 30 i dont get i have heard her talk of the safe haven baby and a few other fosters and a few failed matches only so i am lost to. I just dont know how she is on PP when she herself says she cant get her homestudy done. How many others are on the site without one? 

Name: Carolyn | Date: Nov 11th, 2006 2:54 AM

I don't know who doesn't have their homestudy approved, but mine was approved back in June.

It was a process, but one I don't regret for a minute, every time I hold or look at my sweet baby boy. I know it has to be done to protect these precious children, and make adoption hard for those who don't deserve the children. 

Name: sdt1977 | Date: Nov 11th, 2006 2:58 AM
Oh Carolyn I know that I am just saying I am sure there are those that somehow slipped through the cracks and are on there or trying to adopt as a whole. 

Name: Mom2BEE | Date: Nov 13th, 2006 10:28 PM
I hear they can work. Just depends on where you place them? I am very interested in others views on Ads? Wording? What states allow these ads? 

Name: Mom2BEE | Date: Nov 13th, 2006 10:29 PM
Homestudy approved. Waiting for a match. 

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