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Name: rain
[ Original Post ]
I am not an adoption mom, but I stop by, and read your posts. Ice chick also posted in our room, stay at home moms. So we also do our best now to keep an eye out. I think it is great that many of you are on top of the situation. This may be off the wall, but I have read the posts, I don’t know anything about adoption other than what I have read here, so I may be out of line. So sorry if this is a bad idea. I was thinking that maybe you could all change this adoption forum, to conversations and support for adoption only. If you have adopted, you could come in and chat about it, or if you were adopted, or in the process of. You could explain to all birth moms, that this board is not moderated, and ask them to please post on the moderated boards that you all recommend. That it is a safety issue. You can chat with them here about them selves, but if they are interested in placing a baby, explain they have to go to a safer board. Again, I don’t mean to get into your business, just thought this might be a helpful idea. Our thoughts are with you.
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Name: Marsha24 | Date: Sep 16th, 2006 8:14 PM
That sounds like a good idea. There would be less of a reason for posers to come on lying about things that don't even matter and possibly scareing new birth mothers into less attractive ideas for their child. 

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