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Name: Lauradawn76
[ Original Post ]
I just wanted to say that every woman who has the courage to give her child a better life and help a couple despirate to have a child is an angel. There are so many couples(myself included) who want to adopt because it is our hope and dream to be a mommy and daddy. I know it is one of the hardest decisions you would ever have to make in your life. But please know that your courage is not taken for granted. Despite what some try to say there are wonderful couples out there who will take your flesh and blood and give it their heart and soul forever. People who adopt cannot carry their children below their heart but the love for the child grows in their heart and they choose to love this child forever. Birthmoms you are so special to us. And I know that you would never be taken for granted for your courage and your love for your child would always be remembered and shared. Good luck to all the birthmoms and couples in your journeys. We are all in this together. [email protected]
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Name: geminis73 | Date: May 15th, 2007 2:02 AM
That is so true, we have been trying for 12yrs ( 6 difficulty conceiving) after whuch I had to have an emergency hysterectomy, now 6 more years has past and we just want to give a child - all the love, care and support we can give them, hold then close to our heart - not wanting to ever let go.....
[email protected] 

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