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Name: Scams....the NAMES,.....D
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Yet another scammer is

[email protected] .... she will post as KIM wanting to help young pregnant girls

[email protected]... she will post as STEPHANIE pregnant wanting to place her baby

[email protected]... she will post as RANDI pregnant wanting to place her baby

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Name: Kim | Date: Jan 25th, 2006 6:23 PM
Excuse me but I am Kim am I am not Stephanie nor am I Randi. I do help young pregnant girls and women and have met a few on these boards and speak with them alomst on a daily basis as I have spoke with adults as well. I do not appreciate anyone trying to say that I am a scam, as I am here to help in whatever way possible. There are genuine people in the boards as there are scams. It is not my place to say who is a scam and who is not. I do know that there is a couple you have mentioned that are not scams but because I DO keep my promises, I will not name who is and isn't. I DO NOT put all my information online, for those who genuinely need to seek help and have emailed me, I have been there. What alot of you do not know is that you all have scared away quite a few young SCARED moms to be. This is suppose to be a site to help not frighten. Not all hopeful adopted parents will be picked. The RIGHT thing to do is to simply post your profiles or website and let them answer you. For those who don't get picked, please don't down the other couples. If you see someone is really a scam, please provide proof, otherwise, it seems like another childish putdown. No mother wants to put her child in the hands of a couple who is bickering on the internet and putting others down. We as adults are suppose to be setting an example!!! I truly hope I did not offend anyone by my comments. For those of you who really do need someone to talk to regardless if you are keeping the baby or not you may email me anytime. I said I would be there and I will be. That is why I volunteer my time. For those of you that think I am a scam, you may email me as well and I would be more than happy to send you some information about the organization I am with.
Thank you, Kim 

Name: To Kim | Date: Jan 25th, 2006 6:50 PM
Are you with an agency? 

Name: Kim | Date: Jan 26th, 2006 12:57 AM
I am with an organization, not an adoption agency. The organization I work for keeps all information confidential. I had to be checked out and sign papers. We are there to help. There are volunteers in every state as well as Canada. I would be happy to send anyone information regarding it through email. We do not work with social services or BETRAY your confidence. We do not turn in young girls. We can refer you to an adoption agency or help you pick out families or help you with rides and so forth. We even help you tell your parents if that is the young girls wish. We do whatever the young mothers need help with without telling tohers. We help direct them in the right direction without judgement. 

Name: To Kim | Date: Jan 26th, 2006 2:32 AM
What is the organization called? I think that you should tell everyone so we know what your intentions are. 

Name: Kim | Date: Jan 26th, 2006 3:58 AM
I would love to share that information with those who truly need the help. If you are one that truly needs the help then email me. Trust me, I have recieved emails and I know there are some young people who just simply need attention and have lied but you know what, sometimes they just need someone to talk to. I have found through emails that is when you get to know some of these people. I would never give up the name of the organization unless it is to someone who needs the help. It costs money to run these organizations that does not get government help since we do not work with them. If you think this message board is full of scammers, what will it do to a true organization. I have been trained and I do have a college education and yes study sociology as well psychology amoung other things I am in school for. I have in the past directed young girls to the organization. If you truly need the help and only if you really need it, email me. I am here to help young mothers to be, not potential adoptive parents. If potential adoptive parents would like to become volunteers and add their name to become a rescue family then you can email me and I can help direct you. I don't mean this to be mean but we do have to weed out the scammers. Remember a volunteer does this on their own time. We do it out of the kindness of our hearts. We have to raise money just to run the organization and to keep it going for young scared mothers. It's not a joke and young scared moms to be need to know there are people that will listen to their needs and wants and help them during their difficult time. We as adults should help them, not critisize. We need to offer words of advice. Yes, it is cruel and some have scammed but we must try to even help those. There is a reason they are trying to get attention. Potential adoptive parents know the first rule, don't get your hopes up. I don't mean it in a mean way. No one deserves to be scammed but we must try to understand from everyones point of view. I hope that this board starts getting better soon because I believe it was started in good faith. 

Name: Kim | Date: Jan 26th, 2006 11:33 AM
Project cuddle is a very true organization and I highly recommend the organization. They keep everything confidential. You don't exactly see them going around advertising but they are wonderful and gain I highly recommend the girls visiting the website. Thank you to "sounds fishy" for mentioning that. I'm glad to see someone has recognized the website. 

Name: Question for KIM | Date: Jan 26th, 2006 11:54 AM
Kim, are you the lady orginally from Texarkana Texas that used project cuddle to help you in making your adoption plan? Then you fell in love with Debbie's son and got married. Now you have a daughter? I think that project cuddle is a scam and Debbie has just used that as a way to get her so many kids. At last checdk she has like 15 or so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Kim | Date: Jan 26th, 2006 7:15 PM
No I am not from Texas. Who is Debbie? 

Name: Cindy | Date: Feb 15th, 2006 5:08 AM
another scammer angelmommy-known as Tiffany from MI. 

Name: jesse | Date: Mar 7th, 2006 4:22 PM

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