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Name: pickena
[ Original Post ]
I would like to first say that my password has some how been taken and someone has been posting under my name. Now I would like to start at the begining to clear the air and set a few things straight for the record. Janet Posey and I are not good friends, we met on this board, and she referred me to Regina(starsenmyeyes) and her daughter Barbara Hatcher who is supposedly the one who is considering adoption. Janet was presented with this situation and declined. I called Regina, who does all of the talking for her daughter,who by the way is about 25-30 yo, and she explained to me that Barbara needed to get out of Florida because she was starting to show and the birth father was unaware of the pregnancy, is in the military, and married. I explained open adoption and how Barbara would be involved in every aspect and choose the family that she thought was best for her child. Regina was very respectful and seemed very concerned at first and then began to explain what she thought was going to be needed for her daughter as far as expenses.Regina explained that her daughter had an apartment in Tampa and was going to need the rent paid there so that she would not loose it while she was in California, she went on to explain that her credit was bad and it would be to hard for her to get into another apt. for such inexpensive rent ($500. a month) She also explained that she wanted to bring her 1.5 year old daughter with her(which I had no problem with, I actually made several calls trying to find a Christian home that would accept her as well as her child). Regina also said that the child would need clothing and Barbara had no maternity clothes. I told Regina that I would need to make a few calls to find Barbara a place to stay and would be back with her. The followind day I called her back and explained that I had indeed found her a place to stay. She then said Barbara would be at her home later and I was to call and speak with her, and I did. She did not really have much to say, she said that she was getting paid on Friday, and something about her electric bill, she then put Regina back on the phone. Regina then turned the conversation to the future, as far as what would happen after the birth of the child when she came back to Florida. She said that Barbara would have no job or income and that she would need her rent,utilities,cell phone,food,and a few other expenses paid for 4 months and $2500.00 cash for different needs until she could get a new job. I began to explain what the law would allow as far as living expenses for a birth mother and how those would be paid. Regina did not like the fact that a check would not be sent to her for the rent instead of the landlord, and told me that she did not think that I could help her and that they may have found a family on their own, I wished her luck and had not heard from them since. 2 days ago I was sent an e-mail from Janet asking if I had been on the baby crowd board recently, and I explained no because something was wrong with my password and I was unable to login. Janet then began to tell me some of the untrue things that were being said about me and my work. Not only was I shocked at the lies that were being written, but I was also hurt that people would actually do this after you try to help them. Regins posted something about the FBI, and an agency that I have supposedly worked with, well I have never worked with an agency, I am a facilitator that works with christian entities, as far as her contacting the FBI I also called the number that she posted and Mr. B explained to me that she had called and that she seemed to want them to act as a policing agent for this board and she seemed to know exactly what she was doing, He then asked how I got the number and I told him that the FBI, his name, and #, were posted on the board by Regina, and then gave him all the contact info. I had on her. Mr B then said that the FBI had never given her permission to write about nor publically display his name ,#, or contact info. After speaking with him I really became concerned about what it is that these 2 women are actually trying to do, it is obvious by the extremity of the lies they are telling that there is something fishy going on. At that point I called the Tampa police department and also CPS, the special division that deals with scams on adoption and explained the situation. As far as some of the other accusations that have been made, I have never worked with an agency I am a facilitator and I work with christian oriented programs and crisis pregnancy centers, I also believe something may have been posted about women in prison and that I take them to Dr's on the outside, lets think that one through logically, if they are in prison why would the justice system let ME take them anywhere???? Let us now discuss something that someone said about me taking advantage of adoptive parents and that I ask for all of my fees up front. First of all I do not ask for any up front fees, I am an adoptive parent, and I know how expensive it can be to adopt, there is no way I could in good concious do that, especially if the birth mother changed her mind. I have never nor will I ever take advantage of any one, I am a christian and do what I do because I love it. When adoptive parents decide to work with me I always give them references, so they can check my background and work. I am not going to even comment on some of the other false accusations that have been made, especially those from people who do not even know who I am. I am however going to say that some of the people on here are just here to stir things up, I mean look at some of the language and thigs that are being said just in the last few posts. If anyone has any questions I would be more than happy to answer them, all I am going to say is that Regina and her daughter are the women you need to beware of, I know it is hard to know what to or whom to believe, I mean this is the internet. But for your own protection I encourage you to call the Tampa police department if you are considering getting involved with either Regina or Barbara, I cant say what was told to me, because of confidentiality, but just check it extensively. Any questions please feel free to give me a call I have nothing to hide. (209) 675-6048
Your Name


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Name: tamara anderson | Date: Sep 22nd, 2006 5:50 PM
You need to let everyone know that you are saying you are the real Suki. You did not say anything about your id in your post.
Second, I am pretty sure there are alot of us that have already figured this out. There are posts saying hmmm I wonder if there are 2 Sukis.
It is hard for someone to steal your password but easy for someone to steal your ID. You say you spoke to Janet. I am sure you released info to Janet and you say you spoke to Regina and Barbara did they all sound alike?

The sad thing is you need to prove who you are now a days to be believed. But, there are too many emotional scammers on here. (truely only one that changes her name and ID daily) but, we all know that. 

Name: pickena | Date: Sep 22nd, 2006 6:16 PM
Yes I have spoken with Janet, Regina, and Barbara( Reginas daughter). Actually they are not the same people, they are all indivials, Janet is from MS- I believe , as far as Regina and Barbara they are from Fla., Tampa to be exact and they are African American where Janet is Caucasian. Regina thought it was ok to list phone numbers etc. but the weird thing is they are living in Tampa and when I ran a search on their phone number it came back as a New Jersey cell phone #. Regina is using starsenmyeyes and possible other aliases. Sukie 

Name: I am Janet | Date: Sep 22nd, 2006 6:30 PM
Thank you Sucki as you may be correct as far as all the Information that Regina said and that she would talk for her daughter, Every one please read Sucki, was trying to help people not harm them.... 

Name: marilyn | Date: Sep 22nd, 2006 8:17 PM
suckie, hi i read your post and i believe you might be able to help me and my husband. we want to adopt and we have been trying to do it on our own for 4years with no success. we have been scammed and lied to. and i am just tired of it. we want to adopt but noone wants to be truthful, we dont know where else to go. we almost considered just saving up and doing a international adoption but gosh by that time we would be too old. we tried dss here in our hometown, but the system is all for giving the kids back to the birthparents and i dont want to go thru that heartache again. so we are at a loss, i dont know what else to do. we put a post on surromoms and i think alot of the responses we got are scammers again. i want to trust but it is so hard. please if you can contact us at our email
[email protected]
we would love to get your advice
marilyn and sam 

Name: Carolyn | Date: Sep 22nd, 2006 8:44 PM

Thanks four post.

I appreciate your straight forward clarification of the situation.

I don't know who was posting to me yesterday, trying to say they were you, but whoever they were concerned me, and was quite nasty and cold.

I thank you for the post.


Name: erica1 | Date: Sep 23rd, 2006 3:49 AM
I don't buy it...be careful! Many more legit proffessionals out there and I am not convinced this is one. 

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