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Name: KellyJude
[ Original Post ]
Our hearts are so ready to welcome another little angel into our lives....
We continue to pray and have faith that once again God will allow us to grow our family by the miracles of adoption. We have a beautiful, happy and healthy 3 year old adopted son, we have had him since birth. He is truly our greatest joy and blessing!! We are so hopeful to cross paths again with another birth mom. We would love to form that special bond and together provide only the best for your baby. Our son's birth mom we have kept our promises to we still communicate, send pictures and updates. We know this is not an easy choice, but a choice made of much courage and much, much love. We would hope you can find in us, the same peace our son's birth mom found when she chose us to be adoptive parents. You could defintely be assured your baby would be loved as our very own!!! Children are our world...We love being parents. We cherish every moment and know the blessings a child gives!! Our son, is the answer to our many, many years of prayers. We would love the chance to once again receive another little blessing. We would love for our son to grow up with a sibling and share a lifetime of memories. Please if you or someone you know is seriously thinking adoption, please think of our family. We would love to share our profile and would answer any questions you may have. Our home is filled with hugs, and kisses and I love you's, and we would love to cherish your little one. Our hopes are to once again find that special birth parent and give them the peace they need to make the adoption choice. Please post back if you feel we may be the family for your precious little one. We are seeking to adopt infant up to 3 years, but would consider older or siblings. God Bless
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