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Name: petersenphoto
[ Original Post ]
Just a little shout out to let you all know that we have been selected!! We can not be happier!! And it is a BOY this time!!

After all the heartache, the scams and failed adoptions, we made it!! We are soooooo thrilled!!

Read our inspiring story! Visit www.justinandchristie.com

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Name: mommyinwaiting | Date: Dec 7th, 2006 9:15 PM
Congratulations Justin and Christie what a wonderful Christmas present for you!! When is the baby due? 

Name: kcg.65hotmail | Date: Dec 7th, 2006 10:06 PM

Name: nyjocool | Date: Dec 7th, 2006 10:25 PM
Congratulations!!!! I wish you all the best-keep us updated. When is the baby due??? This willbe your best Christmas ever! 

Name: Carolyn | Date: Dec 7th, 2006 10:57 PM
Congratulations Christie!

Good luck to all of you!

Merry Christmas!


Name: vbigelow | Date: Dec 8th, 2006 6:22 AM
I hope this child was an orphan or abandoned child and this isn't another case of an unwanted mother. 

Name: tamara anderson | Date: Dec 8th, 2006 1:39 PM
Congrats!!! Glad for some happy news.

And don't let vbigelow bother you. Keep smiling. :) 

Name: vbigelow | Date: Dec 9th, 2006 3:54 AM
Yes, that's right; Tamara, ignore the birthmother perspective. We don't matter after all, we're just vessels through which APs wishes are granted. I have news for you; that birthmother, the one whose child the petersens are taking home with them will suffer endlessly. The Petersen's happiness comes at a VERY high price and I think it's lousy that you want to brush that aside. 

Name: Jessica Sue | Date: Dec 9th, 2006 4:15 AM
Vbigelow all you ever do is share bitterness and negativity. Your glass is always half empty.

If you don't like all views of adoption which you clearly don't, don't attack all these people because they don't have the same negative view on life as you have. 

Name: vbigelow | Date: Dec 9th, 2006 4:50 PM
Wrong agian!!! You obviously haven't read all of my posts. Further, you know so little about me; I wonder what informs your "glass half empty" statement. Again, all you want to do is pretend that adoption is this wonderful, natural process because that outlook supports your agenda. In doing so, you ignore and tacitly encourage others to certain realities, such as lifelong damage to birthmother, the scam of open adoption, psychological damage the children suffer, etc. There can be no discussion on this forum unless you are willing to face these issues. You may as well just stand out in the street somewhere and beat on your chest and say how great you are... 

Name: vbigelow | Date: Dec 9th, 2006 4:50 PM
Excuse me for the typos...."again" not "agian" 

Name: vbigelow | Date: Dec 9th, 2006 4:56 PM
Jessica, you state: [[If you don't like all views of adoption which you clearly don't, don't attack all these people because they don't have the same negative view on life as you have. .."

I agree that I don't have the same views on adoption as others. How does that equate with a negative view on life? In your eyes, does adoption equal life? Wow... Ok, if the stakes are that high, then I'll put forth that adoption is death for me and I'd venture to say that most bmoms experience it that way (on some level). It is DAMAGING, DESTRUCTIVE, UNNATUAL for us. Until people like you are willing to hear and show respect for that, no healing, no dialogue can take place. Our side already knows you are thrilled to take our bablies. Listen to our side and stop attacking us! 

Name: mommyinwaiting | Date: Dec 9th, 2006 4:59 PM
vbigelow, you really need to consider getting counselling to help you get through all the pain you have suffered. I don't mean this as an attack, I can clearly see after reading your last post you appear to be hurting deeply and it is sad to see after all these years you must have been suffering this way. Maybe finding a professional can help you come to terms with your loss. 

Name: vbigelow | Date: Dec 10th, 2006 12:53 PM
Mommyin waiting,
Thank you for your empathy. Indeed I have been tortured most of my life because of the crime that was committed against me and my son. Many times I have sought help to cope with the pain and the guilt. However, there are things that are so awful that one can never hope to recover from them; one can only hope to develop tools that make it possible to work through the painful memories each day. In 36 1/2 years, not one day has gone by where I did not relive the horror and shame. Therefore, I am particularly sensitive to those who sugarcoat adoption; who behave or talk in ways that perpetuate societal attitudes that shame women with inconvenient pregnancies into believing that making an adoption plan rather than parenting her child is her duty; or those who, in general, show disrespect for the tremendous cost of this "thing" called adoption on birthmothers and, in more insidious ways, on adoptees. My participation in support groups for adoptees and birthmothers has absolutely convinced me that there are many, many more like me out there who were irrevocably damaged by adoption. Many of those people are birthmothers who were convinced by others that they were doing "the right thing" or who weren't aware of resources and surrendered "willingly." They didn't realize what the cost would be for them until it was too late. Now they are living with tremendous grief and a feeling of having been duped. It is my aim to make sure this message is heard.
Before someone like Jessica Sue jumps in and uses my admission that I have sought the help of professionals to develop the tools to cope with what was done to me and to my son to declare I'm a bitter "psycho" wallowing in bitterness, let me tell you that in spite of what I go through everyday, I am a high-functioning individual. I am a college professesor, a classical musician who sings in the chorus of a major opera company; I've raised three beautiful children (and have, thankfully, had the fourth back in my life for the last fifteen years) and I'm finishing a doctorate at a major midwestern university. My friends and colleagues would probably describe me as outgoing, generous and hardworking. Hopefully, this gives me some credibility in your eyes as I plan to continue to post on this and other adoption forums to get the birthmom perspective out there. 

Name: Jessica Sue | Date: Dec 10th, 2006 4:07 PM
Impressive resume Vbigelow. But being a professor, and a musician has no bearing on the fact that you are really bitter and in your last sentence you write you are "getting the birthmom perspective out there." Contrary, most birthmoms don't share your perspective. Maybe the ones from 30 years ago when you placed which was another era so to speak, but not all birthmoms, I wouldn't even say most birthmoms share your negative view. 

Name: vbigelow | Date: Dec 10th, 2006 8:29 PM
Jessica Sue,
I am not, in general, a bitter person. You have no right to say that as you do not know me.
Also, I would venture to say that your experience of birthmoms is VERY limited if you believe that most don't share my perspective. I believe I provided links from bmom site for your reading pleasure. 

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