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Name: My3loves
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It is hard to think of the right words when talking about a subject as hard and adoption so I am not going to "think" but just speak straight from my heart.
We love children! I would have as many as our house would hold...LOL But we know that would not be a good financial decision:) I am a SAHM of two little boys ages 4 1/2 and soon to be 3. My husband works a job that is only five minutes from our house which is very convenient. We are not rich, we live pretty comfortable because we really watch the way we spend money.
My boys and I spend a lot of time outside playing. We have lots of pets which I feel is a great way to teach responsibility. Two dogs, three cats, two rabbits and one duck. We spend most days playing with the animals and drawing with chalk in our drive way. We are apart of a few play groups that meet a couple times a week so my boys do have lots of little play mates.
About myself...well, I love kids and animals and HATE to clean..LOL I rather be outside with my kids then in the house cleaning so if you drop by my floor may need vacuuming and I may be a little backed up on the laundry But my kids will probably have a jar with a lizard in it and a smile from ear to ear telling you about how them and mommy caught it. I love to cook and bake sweet treats and I am very passionate about photography. I plan on opening up a photography business so I can work around my kids schedule once they start school!
About my Husband...He is a wonderful daddy and provider. He works hard to make sure I can stay at home with the boys. We are a good match...you know how I said I didn't like to clean...well he is kinda a neat freak..LOL He will gladly clean up if I didn't get to it! He plays the guitar and is an awesome drawer....the boys ask him to draw them a train all the time:)
About our boys....they are just perfect if I don't say so myself..LOL My 4 year old loves animals and trains. He loves to talk and has a huge imagination and I would not doubt if he grows up to be a writer of fiction books. I love to listen to his stories:) Our youngest is a funny kid! He loves trains and will eat just about anything....and he stays skinny!!! He loves to draw chalk train tracks in the drive way and push his trains around saying CHOO CHOO! He is so cute!
We really want to adopt a little girl. My boys want a sister. They say we have too many boys and not enough pretty princesses like mommy:) We were foster parents and had a little girl that was two months younger than my oldest son. She came to us at the age of 7months old and stayed until she was 3 1/2. We had her for three years before she left us and we loved her as if she was our and she was my boys sister! She went to live with her birth family. We miss her more than words could ever describe.
We pray as a family every night and they last thing that my oldest boy says is "Please Jesus keep my baby sister's tummy mommy safe and hurry up and bring our Emma Katelyn home.

Well, that is us in a nut shell...not perfect or rich but full of love! If you think you would be interested in our family please email us at
[email protected]
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