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Name: Heather
[ Original Post ]
What does everybody think about an ex-con adopting? I know that I thinks its crazy, but I want to know if this is aloud. I know someone who wants to do this. Please tell me that this is illeagal
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Name: Jill | Date: Apr 30th, 2006 5:55 PM
As part of the home study a criminal background check is performed. If the crime is severe they will not allow the person to adopt. I have heard of a person being convicted of DUI and still being able to adopt, but the DUI was from years before and they completed the required counseling. I don't think excons should be able to adopt, what kind of message will the children pick up from them? 

Name: Lynn | Date: Apr 30th, 2006 6:22 PM
If it is a kin-adoption there are no homestudies in a lot of cases so I imagine it is pretty common. I, too, believe if the reason they are an ex-con is severe it should prevent them from adopting. But I believe from what I've read if it was not related to a child it isn't of any matter to most. 

Name: Hi | Date: May 2nd, 2006 2:26 AM
Does any one know a young lady name Gaby Whittle from Ca, she is a Marine Solider's Wife if any one knows this person please respond as I was contacted by this young lady. 

Name: hopefulmom | Date: May 7th, 2006 8:00 PM
YES this is illegal in all 50 states. If the adoptive parent(s) in the home have a criminal record they are not allowed to adopt for the protection of the child. This was told to me by several social workers. 

Name: me | Date: May 21st, 2006 2:24 AM
I don't know if it's illegal or not but I wouldn't want my kid to end up with an ex con as their new parent,hell no!!!!!!! Thats why people should be real careful and thoroughly check out the person or couple they are planning to give their baby up to. (If they care at all about the well being of that baby.) 

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