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Name: hlove143
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hello my name is heather i have a daughter (nevaeh) who will be 2yr in october. she is my only child. her father left when she was about a month old. i have been doing the best i can to support my daughter and give her all the love that she deserves, ON MY OWN! she is all that i got, my life. and in april this year the worst thing happend....cps removed my daughter from my home. im not a drug user but by chance i had used that day with a friend who i had not seen in a while, but before this i hadnt done no type of drugs since i was about 15 which was way before i had my baby, well what happend was my dad and my boyfriend got into a physical fight and my boyfriend ended up getting stabbed and of course the police came and i am on probation but for a non drug related charge i had got out of jail 2 days prior to this incident and i was tooken back to jail so cps decided that i was an unfit mom. i have been out of jail for almost 2 mos now my baby has been in foster care for a total of 3 mos and they dont want to give her back! what about the children who are molested and abused? i could see that being a reason to take the child away from there home, i love my baby shes not abused or neglected. is this right? i need some kind of advise i dont feel that any one around me cares what im going threw but i gues its just because that dont understand the feeling but holding it all in just makes it harder to deal with. i dont know what to do im her mom she needs to be with me. the pain i feel is unbearible. thats why i dont understand how people could just give away there babys like its nothing. that child is a part of u can u imagine how that baby will feel when they are all grown up and the find out that there own mother just gave them away to complete strangers. how could you by choice miss out on all the precious things in your childs life? i just keep praying and praying that i will have the chance to watch my daughter grow up. i feel that if u cant take on the responsibility of being a mother DONT GET PREGNANT!!! the women giving birth to the child is who is ment to take care of that child!
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Name: Cadance | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 7:34 AM
I just want to say to you that don't give up just yet. You have so many months to show that you can get your child back. And if you give up and think that they wont give her back then they may not cuz you might not give it your all to get her back! Here is my E~Mail if you need to talk [email protected] best to you! 

Name: baby2 | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 1:26 PM
Hi Heather, It sounds like you and your daughter are going through a VERY hard time. I'm sorry that you don't have anyone around you to help you with this...I will give you my "advise" on how I see this situation and then ask you a few questions to think about...there is no doubt in my mind that you love your daughter. Raising her on your own is NOT easy. However, doing drugs EVER is not acceptable. I understand that you have not done it in a long time, but it doesn't matter. Stay away from those "friends" who bring it around you. That is not the enviroment that you want your daughter in, is it? Now, regarding CPS, what are you doing to show them and the courts that you are putting your live on track...do you have a job? Are you going back to school, whether it's a GED or college classes to better yourself? Where do you live? Is it a safe place? Have you asked the social worker on your daughter's case what you need to do or ask for advise on what you need to do to get Nevaeh back? Also, please don't judge birthmothers for their decision on giving their baby up for adoption. You don't know their situation. Our birthmother is wonderful and we both love our son more than anything in this world. It was hard for her to do, but she tells me all the time that she made the right chose for him, not her. I hope that I have not offended you, but just gave you some things to think about. I will pray for you and Nevaeh. Be strong and take care!!! 

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