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Name: bigmama
[ Original Post ]
i have a friend that wants to adopt a baby so bad all her life she wanted to be a mother but yes she has tryed and she had 6 miscarriages and doctors say she may never have a baby and it hurts me to see and hear her broken heat tell me she don't fell like living cause the only thing in her life that is missing is a baby and she sees everyone with a baby all Friends and family and people she don't know it just kills her in side she sometimes brakes down and cry so as a good friend i want to help her find a baby to adopt so I'm looking for some one to help me save a person from a broken heart and make her dreams come true she has a two bedroom house so the baby will have there own room and big yard for swing set and she has money to give a child what they need she likes to travel and go new place she been with the same guy for over 8 years and there planing on getting married soon so plz e-mail me to let me know yes or no if you can help I'm hoping to hear from you its OK if you found someone all ready just plz let me know thank you so much for your time to read this and my god be with you all way
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Name: bigmama | Date: Mar 20th, 2008 3:47 AM
oh my e-mail is [email protected]
feel free to add me if you like to talk 

Name: Scam Alert | Date: Mar 20th, 2008 3:26 PM
Your friend needs to get a homestudy completed by an adoption agency, this costs usually $1500-$2000. They will meet with the couple several times at their home, financials- W-2s, assets and background and criminal checks will need to be done. Once their homestudy is approved they can adopt. 

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