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Name: lesley86
[ Original Post ]
Me and my husband our unable to have babies we are starting to look into surrogacy and afterwards we wanted to adopt which is the easiest or fastest way to get a baby would over seas be the best or here in the states
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Name: mommyinwaiting | Date: Nov 28th, 2006 4:15 AM
If you go thru a facilitator, you may end up with a baby very quickly. We had our baby 7 weeks after signing up with an agency. The downside is they are expensive. 

Name: Pattyjb | Date: Nov 28th, 2006 3:08 PM
We must be doing something wrong, have been at this for 7 years and at least 30 disapointments later from reclaiming family. If we were made of money i would go to haiti or china in a heartbeat. 

Name: Flowergirl | Date: Nov 28th, 2006 6:57 PM
Hey, Pattyjb,

Just wanted to give you some encouragement on the international end of adopting. My husband and I were planning to go domestic for a couple of different reasons, finances being one of them. After a recent, deep dissapointment, we turned to an agency that was going to be giving a free informational meeting in our town and were encouraged in every way toward international adoption. The grants available for these adoptions, end up making them more affordable than domestic through an agency, especially when you add on birthmom expenses, scammers etc. And this guarantees you a baby when you have completed the process. This agency is wonderful... they help with all the grants, personally making sure you get every bit of help you can. You mentioned China and they are one of the least expensive international programs, if you are over the age of 30. With grants, etc., it should be very affordable!

Just wanted to share what we had learned... I know how heartbreaking it is to wait....and wait...and wait. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected].

Hugs, Lisa 

Name: Jessica Sue | Date: Dec 2nd, 2006 3:06 AM
I understand it is easier going international, does anyone agree? I heard that Russia and China are the easiest. 

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