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Name: Ollys Mum
[ Original Post ]
Hi all, You seem so nice so I thought I's say Hello.

Not exaclty sure if I have a question but feel I need to share so any comments most welcome.

I am a working mum of 3 year old twins. I was always very out going before I had the boys but feel a bit different now. I stayed at home with the boys until they were 2 but found if very diificult thought it was because they were twins !?

Oliver has autism and ADHD and has been diagnoised for about a year. He goes to a Memphys special school. I doesnt speak at all. He is very busy and likes to wiggle things, blinds, belts, toys ect, he also like sand, mud, chip bark, blankets and most textured things. He hates water, a new thing, and screams and crys when we try to bath him or even change his nappy now. He has good eye contact and when he is in the mood he like to hug and cuddle. He is a very gentle little boy.

Josh his identical twin is a cheeky little chatty boy and everyones freind but finds some things hard to understand. He know that oliver is different but still finds it hard when we have to put olivers needs before his on some occasions.

Daddy works full time as well in quite a high brow job. He has gone into automatic pilot since olivers dignosis, we cant change the way oliver is we love him and we will do the best we can for him and won't let his dignosis stop us doing things. we still travel all over the world with them both on holidays ( which can be hard even though enjoyable)

I feel very sad, I love oliver so much but feel like life is so difficult and espcially weekends . Neither boys sleep very well so I feel exhusted and I am starting to suffer from low self esteem.

I have been for 2 new jobs recently which I could/should have got but have been told I lack confiednce - either that or feel that a new job really isnt going to change my life that much, after all the biggest thing I wnat in my life is for oliver to enjoy life and be happy and although he is sometimes , somethings things are hard for him too. I suppose i just didint think having children could ever be his hard and I envy my friends and family whos life with there kids is so different. I have been on early bird and understand all about autism, but it doesnt make it hurt any less. !!

Thanks for listening to our story !!

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Name: kairos_mom | Date: Sep 10th, 2007 2:13 AM
Hi Ollys Mum! It sounds like you have your work cut out for you, autism and twins to boot! You seem to have a good attitude though and this makes a huge difference. I also work and actually enjoy the break, I feel like im a better mom when I am home. Raising an autistic child is extremely challenging and requires so much patience. Its hard for parents of children without autism to understand our stresses, worries, dissapointments and even the joy we find in raising our children. Its nice to have people to share that with! Glad to have you here.

Heidi in Utah 

Name: Ollys Mum | Date: Sep 10th, 2007 7:23 AM
Thanks Heidi,

Your word made me both smile and cry.!!

How old are your children ?

XX Melanie 

Name: jojojohnson | Date: Sep 20th, 2007 2:43 AM
hi ollys mom.
i understand how you feel, i dont have twins, but i have two older children, who do not have autism. and it is hard when we have to put our autistic children ahead of them.... my kids are older, so they understand a little better, but its still hard on them.... but you seem to be dealing with it very well. my heart goes out to you and your family.
as trying as these times are, just remember, they always get better, with each passing day. and really, we are all they need. 

Name: Ollys Mum | Date: Sep 20th, 2007 7:24 AM
Thanks for listening. He is doing really well at the moment apart from not sleeping very well at night. He is at a special school who have built a special autistic unit which will open next week with only 3 kids and 3 teachers. We have learnt to accept that he is different and love him as he is. His brother is also learning that he is different and has given up his dummy last night when the dummy fairy visited and swapped them for ' a dress' !? but he knows that olly still needs his dummy's as he is different.

The things i find the hardest is weekends when we see / hear other families doidng things together and relaxing as with olly around you can never relax. Soemtimes i take just one and daddy takes the other one out so we can let them do there own things but i feel bad about it. How do you manage that ?

Thanks for caring.

Hope things are good for you .

God bless


Name: kairos_mom | Date: Sep 22nd, 2007 12:14 AM
Hi Melanie! Sorry, im slow! I just have one, he is 4 years old. Right now we are planning a second pregnancy so it is good for me to hear about your experiences. We are doing what we can to try for a girl to lessen the chances of having another child with autism, does that sound aweful!? I love Kairo so much for the person he is, but if I could take these difficulties away from him I would! I just want to give him the best life, it is hard to watch him struggle so much.

Heidi in utah 

Name: Ollys Mum | Date: Sep 24th, 2007 9:37 AM
Hi there Heidi, I'm sure your doing all you can for him, I just try to think as long as he is happy safe and loved that's all anyone can ask for for their children.



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