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Name: annie-o
[ Original Post ]
My OT just suggested brushing to calm my child before baths or anything else we are having trouble with. Has anyone tried this and had success? My son is very mild (30) and 29 months old.
I would love to hear some insight about brushing.
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Name: Brendansmom | Date: Jun 28th, 2008 11:15 PM
The Wilbarger Protocol has been very effective for our son. Following our OT's recommendations, we did it once every 2 hours over the past winter and now use it when he is having bad days or having tantrums. It eases his anxiety level and helps him to handle crowds and to be more focussed. It eliminated his problems with pica that developed when he started preschool as well.

He is 4 1/2 now and we keep a brush in his preschool bag for his aide to use and one at home. We only use the brushing now if he seems stressed.


Name: annie-o | Date: Jun 30th, 2008 2:19 AM
Thank you for your reply. OUr OT said to use a baby hair brush. Are you using anyting diffrent. Also, did you have a hard time getting your son to be still long enough for it to be effective? Jeffrey seems to like it, and has brought be his brush a few times, but he only sits still for a few passes of the brush on an arm. Maybe that is all he needs.

Thanks for the help,

Name: siobhanduffy | Date: Jul 8th, 2008 3:01 AM
I am an OT. I would not suggest the baby hair brush. The Wilbarger Protocol is based on the surgical brush or the corn brush which can be found at Fortuneoff. The brush is to be used to provide propioceptive input, NOT a brushing sensation. Brush with force up and down the arms. legs, and back. Then do 10 joint compresions to all joints. Every 2 hrs to provide a continium. It's a huge task, but one that will provide results! See below.

1) Entire technique takes approximately 1-2 minutes to fully administer.

2) Entire technique (deep pressure with brush and joint compressions) needs to be
administered every 90 minutes to 2 hrs.

3) Do not use brush over stomach or face.

4) Avoid all light and/or brief touch.

5) Child should not experience a “brushing” sensation. DEEP pressure is the key and the most important aspect of the technique to remember.

6) Apply deep pressure with brush first, followed by join compressions (10 compressions to each joint)

Surgical Brush

• Hold brush horizontally and apply enough pressure to lay bristles down flat.
• Apply deep pressure with brush to arms, legs and back. If time allows, also apply deep pressure to hands and feet.
• Deep pressure may be applied over clothing or directly over skin

Joint Compressions

• 10 compressions to each joint
• Start with 2 types of spine compressions: 1) place one hand on chest and one on upper back; slight pressure in with both hands, then pressure downward 10 times. 2) one hand on each shoulder to apply downward pressure 10 times.
• Next place one hand on either side of the shoulder joint and compress (or push) the joint together 10 times. Then move on to the elbow joint of the same arm and compress 10 times. Then apply compressions to the wrist joint. If time allows, move on to the finger joints. Then move on to the other arm.
• To apply joint compressions to the leg joints, have the child stand up and place your hands at the hips and press downward toward the floor. This will allow you to give compressions to all the leg joints at once. 

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