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Name: crofty
[ Original Post ]
Hi, I have two autistic boys, my 5 yr old is medium functioning quite eccentric but adorable. My 3 yr old is very low functioning and has alot of challenging behaviours, such as hitting, screaming eating lots of stuff outside, but hardly eats any normal food. He has no speech and is very hard to engage in any play activities, he just constantly bangs my blinds and crawls around. Help! Has anyone out there got any wise words of wisdom to help me keep strong?
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Name: dianna | Date: May 10th, 2007 11:42 AM
Hi Crofty, Gosh I can totally relate at the moment!... I have twin 4 1/2 year old boys and one of them is autistic. Probably medium functioning but drives me insane. He is always opening the doors to go outside, goes in the cupboards and dumps everything from flour to sugar to cereal. Just this morning after waking up at 4:00 in the morning, dumped red juice all over my carpeted steps. I wish I knew why they do this. The consultant I have working with him says this is because he is bored. You see, autistic children do not have the imaginative play that typical children do therfore I think they find other stuff to keep them busy, even if is disastrous! I just hope it gets better. People always tell me it will as they get older. I HOPE!!!! Try to hang in there, but my gosh I know it's hard. I always remember this saying in times of heartache and trouble..."This too shall pass". Take care and I'll say a little prayer for you :) 

Name: crofty | Date: May 10th, 2007 1:26 PM
Thank you Dianna, I will try and rememer your kind words.
I have only had internet access a short while at home in the uk and have never been on a chat room before until today. I've found that reading about everyone's different experiences has made me feel less isolated. 

Name: jojojohnson | Date: Jun 6th, 2007 3:10 AM
hi crofty,
my son too is autistic. the is 7 years old now. when he was 3 and 4 years old, he was quite a handful! he used to take everything out of the cupboard and throw it around. he ate grass and sand. lined up all of his toys. screamed, yelled and hit. It was very frustrating for us to deal with! and he also had no speach until he was about 4 and a half! and he didnt want to play with anyone.
he is now 7, and you wouldnt believe he is the same child. it does get better as they get older, as long as they are getting the help that they need. he was on a waiting list for therapy until 3 months ago. but in the meantime, we took parenting classes, read everything we could get our hands on. and just did the best that we could to help him out. he talks very well now. and plays with adults. he still doesnt have much interest in children. but the fact that he plays with adults is encouraging.
my best advise to you is this...do everything that u can. get him into social skills groups. and fight for all of his rights when he gets into school. and most importantly,,,, be patient with him. as hard as that is at times, it really is so important.
i hope everything is going well with you. take care. 

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