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Name: crofty
[ Original Post ]
Help my 3yr old son eats just 4 things, cornflakes, chicken nuggets, biscuits and wholemeal toast on occasion. He does take an interest in other foods but will not try them and gets quite distressed. I would love to have tried him on a gluten free diet as i have heard so many good things but when i saw a dietitian a year ago she said his diet was too limited to restrict even more and to just keep putting things in front of him. Is there anything else i can do - special drinks, vitamins etc. I do manage to get omega 3 fish oil in honey down him, but he needs so much more.
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Name: whitneyw | Date: May 26th, 2007 2:56 PM
well, my son is also 3 yrs old. he is very limited to. he only likes hard, crunchy objects for the most part. i was told this goes hand in hand with the autism and the sensory. regans meals consist of chicken nuggets, fish sticks,french fries, pretzels, chips, apples, pop tarts, cereal etc. you get my point, nothing like pudding, or anything mushy. he drinks alot of milk and juice. i have to dilute the juice because i was told his servings were over the top for the day. over all, though, my son has seen several therapists, and nutritionist, and i have just been told to introduce new things, but always serve them with something i know he will eat, and let him make up his mind. it is not going to do any good to force feed them. they have a mind of there own. good luck! 

Name: jojojohnson | Date: Jun 8th, 2007 3:13 AM
my son is a very picky eater, and i have found that if i force something on him. it will not work. he will throw it up. i just try with every meal to introduce something new. if he doesnt want it, thats fine. maybe one day he will. as long as he is healthy, it doesnt matter if his diet is limited. as long as he is happy. 

Name: JenJack | Date: Jun 18th, 2007 1:02 AM
Hey there!!
My 3yo autistic son was terribly picky too. I was suprised that french fries were not on your list. My son pretty much lived on those for a year. He eats better now then most "normal" kids his age..... Most autistics are picky due to sensory issues but remember that kids in general are picky eaters.
I fry my son french fries in the frying pan with some oil and get them extra crispy for him as well as his chicken nuggets & fish sticks. It gives them a crispiness that baking just doesn't do. Try it!! Also, he LOVES quesadillas, start with just a little cheese in a flour tortilla and fry it in a little bit of cooking spray with some butter or margarine on it. Be sure to let it fry enough to get extra crispy (its all about the texture you know) If he gets hooked on them start adding little chunks of ham, chicken, scrambled eggs. Cut them with a pizza cutter in bite sized pieces and he will love them!!!
Also try different types of cereals we had a lot of luck with honey nut cherrios (they are a little crispier than reg)
Hope this helps!!!
Let me know if you want other tips!!!! Jen 

Name: JenJack | Date: Jun 18th, 2007 1:20 AM
Also.... When introducing new foods, I always use the plates with separators in them, don't let the foods touch. Always put something on the plate that you know he will eat and add the new foods in the other spaces. Try some bacon too, extra crispy!!
Does he sit in a booster chair with straps?? 

Name: crofty | Date: Jun 18th, 2007 8:14 PM
Hi Jen, I wish he did sit in a booster sit, he is hyperactive and runs around while he eats, an other problem we have to tackle.
Thanks for the crispy food suggestions, will give it a go.
Do you give any supplements aswell?

Name: JenJack | Date: Jun 18th, 2007 11:55 PM
As of right now we are not giving supplements. Just Flintstone vitamins :-) My husband is looking into some different ones.
My husband thought our son was ready to sit in a big chair at the beginning of the year (w/o straps) needless to say he was eating hardly anything. We just recently got the booster seat back out and he took right to it. His teacher told me that at school he straps himself in at snack time!! When he fights to get in the chair I usually try to give him one of his very favorite transiton objects (this month it seems to be star shaped blocks) or I give him a piece of food off of his plate (usually a french fry) He will look at whatever is in his hand and sits down w/o a fight. It also helps to "scoop" him into the chair, one hand under his knees, the other around his upper back. If he likes to color or look at books you may want to have them at his place when you are trying to seat him as well. Hope this helps!!! 

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