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Name: aidans_mom
[ Original Post ]
My 8 yr old son Aidan is autistic, he doesnt speak. He was watching me pack out my daughter's school uniform yesterday (she starts school next year) and he got that familiar sad look in his eyes, pointed at the uniform and wanted one too. it hurts so much to know that he wants these things and he'll never be able to go to school with his sister. he is starting to want to do a lot more and i find it so hard to explain why he cant do it. the same with her school shoes... i tried to explain that they are for Kyla for school and that he is not allowed to wear them so he went and put on one church shoe and one tekkie and came to show me, he was so proud of his shoes that i just burst into tears.... this all just gets so overwhelming sometimes and i dont want him to see how sorry i am for him. He touches my soul to the very depths and i love him so much!!!
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Name: jessypink | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 8:31 PM
hello my name is jessica and i woud like to no more about your sich pleas e mail me at [email protected] i have 2 autistic kids and one adhd and i am a singel parent 

Name: tina_g_r | Date: Nov 27th, 2007 6:31 PM
Please don't feel sorry for him. And don't blame yourself. Just know that you are doing the best you can, and he was sent to you for a reason. I have to keep telling myself that he's not dead or dying. He is with us, and it's not all bad. Something that may help him (and you) when his sister gets something for school, get him something, too. It seems like he feels left out. If his sister gets new shoes for school, get him some, too. And remember, autism doesn't have him...He has autism. 

Name: irish Amy | Date: Nov 28th, 2007 11:59 AM
Hi Aidans mom, ooohh I so feel for you and Aidan, we all know how special our kids are and we all know how it feels when these sort of things happen, you just have your cry and give him a bigger cuddle and like Tina said, maybe buy Aidan the shoes so he gets all important too, I know excatly how you feel cos so do I, take care hun 

Name: aidhan7 | Date: Nov 29th, 2007 7:11 AM

I have just joined tonight after searching for websites. was surprised to find this including your son's name. My son's name is Aidhan. He was diagnosed last year with HFA, but we are all just accepting it now. He is 10. I am a Principal/Teacher. Would love to stay in touch and talk more. 

Name: aprhere | Date: Dec 5th, 2007 11:33 PM
Is he allowed to wear whatever he wants to his school? Cant he wear something similar to his sister to his school. My son jonathan is 4 and he went threw a phrase wear he would only wear red shirts. Now he will only wear button up shirts. As long as it doesnt hurt him i try to make him happy. [email protected] 

Name: breathless | Date: Jan 13th, 2008 2:27 AM
hang in there mum! sounds like your doing a great job! so keep your chin up!! i really understand how hard it is! l am also a mother with 2 beautiful daughters, who both have autism!! most days i find it so hard to even breath! things seem so overwhelming! But l have to keep on going because lm all my girls have! love to chat sometime! Angela 

Name: queen_vee2 | Date: Feb 12th, 2008 2:26 AM
Hi how are you?
I cant help to have a teary eyes upon reading your letter. I know how it feels even though I dont have an autistic child. I had a friend who has an 11 yr old autistic son & I really love him dearly as my own. Unfortunately, am not seeing him anymore coz they moved but my love for him hasnt change. These special needs kids has a very big spot in my heart. I did graduate nursing in Phils. but we ddnt really deal with this situation. I've decided to do some voluntary work in a school to be closer to these kids. I want to lend a helping hand to parents & kids.
As what they said, theres a purpose why you have Aidan & I adore parents like you.
I will pray you & all the parents and kids. Dont worry, God will never give us something that we cant handle.
Take care & be proud of Aidan.. 

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