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Name: starburst
[ Original Post ]
My son is nearly 11 months old and he flaps his hands and arms alot. He does it when he is upset or excited. I understand that this can be a sign of autism. He also looks at his hands alot. Other than these two things he is normal from what i can tell. He babbles, makes eye contact, laughs, smiles and loves cuddles. Should I be concerned that this may be an early sign of autism? I am really worried. Please help!
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Name: Cadesmom | Date: May 24th, 2008 8:24 PM
Hi there. Arm flapping is only one possible sign of autism. I have known children who are not autistic and who exhibited this symptom. You must look out for other clues that point to the possibility of autism. I'm sure you've read about the other signs on autism web sites. If arm flapping and staring at his hands are the only thing that stands out, but everything else is normal, then I think he's OK. Don't panic. Start a journal of unusual things that your son may do in the future. Keep an eye out for the other symptoms but don't become obsessed. Hey, he babbles, makes eye contact and loves cuddles.....these are all normal for his age. Best of luck.......and relax. 

Name: loli | Date: Jun 2nd, 2008 10:01 AM
Here is what to look out for in the near future if it is.

-spinning in circles while watching hand and the eyes are off to the side. Seems to not get dizzy and can do it for a while.

- lines up objects or toys. You may notice it when you are giving child a bath. The child lines up the shampoo bottles. You will notice it with the toys and with crayons etc..

-Has tantrums when you try to do stuff for him like brush teeth or hair

- Panics over sounds in an abnormal way. Stays panicking until sound stops

- flaps hands

- walks on toes

- when you pick up child, back may arch, the child may avoid eye contact and have face away from you or others in your family

- Doesn't respond to name

- If at a playground, you may find your child is more fascinated by the toys kids have than the actual kid. Also may run off. Solution for that is to bring a toy the child likes alot to hold.

- repeats words over and over. Also repeats words heard outloud when you ask child a question only to find that the child wasn't really responding to your question to specify a need or want but just repeating the commonly heard word.

- loses interest in foods that seemed to be okay and suddenly loses it after 15 months old and tantrums over most foods that used to be their favorite. Chicken nuggets become their idea of fine dining. Foods that are crunchy are great and all mushy food are sentenced to the garbage.
(this can change over time so don't despair) 

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