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Name: aaturci
[ Original Post ]
Hello- My son trevor who will be 4 in Jan- was just diagnosed with autism. He doesnt speak much at all but he has his own way of communicating- He gets in a zone sometimes when he becomes frustrated, and he will attack me- i dont know what to do because he is a very strong boy, weighs almost 60 pounds. He has a 2 yr old sister but sometimes he is abusive to her. Time out seems to help a little but do any of you guys have any other suggestions. I try to talk with him and he doesnt even look at me. He used to talk and was potty trained but about a year and half ago he was taken away and i think that was what started him to regress. I have to take him in August to get him assessed to see what level of autism he has. I would like someone that knows what I am going through to be able to talk to. I know that this was not my fault, and that God only does things like this to make me stronger although it breaks my heart- I would just like some insight please. Thank You
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Name: Ontario_Father | Date: Jul 13th, 2007 12:01 PM
Hello aaturi, it is always hard when you find out one of your children has Autism. It is liek the end of the world and you feel so scared. I know what you are going through and if you want to talk you can drop me a line at [email protected]. To maybe put you at easy, my son Waylon was diagnosed with ASD in Nov of 2006. I had been working with hom for about a year and had a development worker come in and work with him once a week for about 6 months. Since his diagnoisis, we have been educated, which is the best thing you can do, and have worked on different parts of his Autism, and you would not know he is the same child. Things do get better, but the first thing is to get educated on ASD, read the news every day about Autism, (do a google search on "Autism in the news", and accept that your little boy is one of Gods little gifts to you. 

Name: neil | Date: Jul 17th, 2007 7:35 AM
hi as i sit here my son is just waking up. he was diagnosed around 3 years ago at 4, we too had a hard time getting our heads around it (EVERYBODY DOES AT FIRST,I PROMISE YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS) there are any number of reasons that your son is acting up the best thing that you can do is try to learn his triggers.Although what he does may seam to have no reason alot of the time it is sparked by something, the trick is knowing what. I am not saying this will get easyer but given time and as ontario-father sais some education in this it will become more managable.After our boy was diagnosed we thought it was the the end but after some hard work he started junior infants last year (we live in ireland by the way) just try to remember that the person who knows your boy best is you and from that you can build .The best of luck and if you wish to contact either myself or my wife leave a post and we will give you e-mails etc... 

Name: irish Amy | Date: Aug 9th, 2007 7:37 PM
hi neil, just reading the post and saw you are from my neck of the woods so just thought i'd say 'how's it goin'
To aaturci, neil is so right in what he said, it may seem impossible to know what triggers your sons 'behaviours', i know i thought it would be but its surprising what you can actually see happening to your little boy when you are aware of what to look out for, it could be the smallest inconsequental ( to us anyway) thing like a noise or a smell or whats on tv, a toy he or his siter may be playing with, when my son hits out we hold his hands down and say ' no, thats not nice' and it is starting to work. Best of luck at the assessment aaturci. 

Name: jojojohnson | Date: Aug 12th, 2007 6:14 AM
hi, i also have an autistic son, he is 7 now. he too was very aggressive. and he lashed out at his older siblings. he did not talk. although he did understand what we said to him. i think he was so very frustrated with not being able to talk to us. he was very hard to handle. we ended up using medication for a short period of time, and it was wonderful for all of us.... it helped him to calm down, and therefore let us teach him... i am not saying that this is the way for every child with autism, but for our son, it helped a great deal, he has gone from being very aggressive, to being a mild mannnered, well tempered child, we are able to talk through situations, and head off any problems that arrise.... medication was not used alone,,,, he also had therapy as well... he was taking risperidone,,,and it helped him to calm down, so we could teach him... just a suggestion, although maybe not the route for you. 

Name: bensmum | Date: Aug 28th, 2007 2:54 PM
hi i have a 4 yr old son with autism he too is very aggressive with his siblings especially his 2 yr old sister someone told me to line up some pennies where he can see them but not reach them and when he's good give him a penny when he's bad take one away i've been doing it for about 2 weeks now and so far we're not doing too bad its stopped him from swearing which was a big issue and the reason i started doing it. if ever you want to chat feel free 

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