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Name: brotherlover
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Hi I have a 4 year old brother and we use to be best friends we would almost do everything together and when he was 2 I was told he has autisim and now we fight every single day and then ill go to my room and cry cuz I just want my baby brother back I miss the lil boy that was never getting on my nerves the one that I never wanted to leave behind when i went to school.

I guess im just really trying to see if anyone has anything to tell me to try to help me get closer to my baby brother again....

If anyone has anything please let me kno.

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Name: Edwardliu | Date: Aug 8th, 2011 3:19 PM
Brother lover,

I am a mum of four years old autism son and five years old smart daughter. I remember when they are very little, they stuck together. People always say I have a lovely twins and I am vey happy about it. My son always follow my daughter. They play the slide, Chase together, eat together, go to the play group together. About one and a half year old, my son get a needle, he suddenly not go to the slide, he drools for no reason, he stares at water for no reason. He is not playing with his sister. He pulls his sister's hair and throw her the toy for no reason. He doesn't follow any command. He stop calling sister to my daughter. A lot of times my daughter tries to play with him, he screams. I find that he can only touch by me now, not dad, not his sister. He thinks it is very danger for my daughter to touch him. He doesn't allow his sister to go to my bed. He want mum only belong to him. It is very sad for us to see him. I am very sad to see my son run in the circle, then he try to do falling down. My daughter copys him. My son rolls in the grass and my daughter follows him. My daughter tries very hard to teach him how to speak his favorite toy car, but he can't get it. It is very funny, when we think he became deaf, but only one little word "hush" can make him smile all the time. So my daughter want him to see what she is doing, she just say "hush". It is very hard for the little girl to understand why his brother can't talk. I only tell my little one his brother is sick. You need to help him. I always tell my daughter she is the best girl and my son is the best boy. They try so hard.
When we get his autism title, I find DAN doctor. He starts to say his first word " help" on two years and four month old. We do speech pathology and OT with him. But he still can't touch by his sister. I try OT brush, he is not very happy with it. Then I read a book talking about a autism son has good friends dog. So I bought a dog to him. My daughter loves the little puppy very much. But at the beginning, my son is screaming, he scares of the dog's touching. He likes the dog very much. The dog doesn't care his screaming, dog still plays with him, touches him. Then about a month, my OT find he becomes touchable. Then his pre school teacher can touch him, my daughter can touch him. But when my daughter chases him, he gets scared. Then he can speak a little more, my daughter and I play peekaboo with him. He loves it. We play London bridge falling down and he become the fairy lady. We play ring, ring Rosie. From the begining, all the new game he decides no playing. Then he may say "yes" and cry again. It is very hard for him to adapt the change. So if you try to play with him, not to Change the game too much. Give him more time to prepare. He needs plenty of crying practice. A lot of autism child like jumping. Play jumping him. If he likes singing, just sing with him even he can't sing. Try to hold his hand even he doesn't like it. Try to award him all the time even he doesn't do anything good. For example, my daughter make a lot of Thomas No. 1 award and give it to my son Edward. He is very happy with it.
My son usually likes to hold one object in his hand. Without it, he feels unsafe. My daughter argues with it. We change it slowly. First change it to the Key ring with mum name on it . I zipping it on his coat and told him, if you think about mum, just hold it. Not allowing him to bring other object. Then we change it to smaller size key ring. Then we take it off.
If your brother fights with you, remember next time, if you play the game with him, change the staying place. Autism child can remember everything very well. So when he sees you in the same place, he first recall that he fight with you yesterday here, he will fight with you again. So changing the place to play is very important.
If your brother can play with you well in one place, he will remember it and play with you nicely next time. I remember my son and my daughter has a special secret place at the corner of my garden. I always encourage them to play together.
My son and my daughter like water very much, so I set up the hose to spray, they play very well go under the water and over the water.
My son can't pick up flower, my daughter always helps him. She still fights with him. But she is his best teacher and friends.
My daughter always tell my son you need gluten free and diery free food. When he gets m-b12 injection, she always go to hug him.
It is important for you to draw some picture about what you are going to play with your brother and how to play. For them, simple game maybe becomes very hard to understand without the picture.
Times go fast, now my son is four years and eight months. He becomes a happy boy now. He loves his sister. When my daughter goes to school, he asks about her. He tells me don't forget pick up my daughter. When she comes home, he still fights with her. He still repeats the same question sometimes, my daughter just tells him to stop. Otherwise Edward has no friends.

Only I can say I love you brother lover. So many of us to have lucky daughter like you. I think all the mums want their daughters to play well, have other friends and be happy. We don't have a lot of time spending in our little daughter. We don't want them to stress and worry. Sometimes we feel guilty about not caring for our little daughters well. They should be happy. Let mum to handle the problem. You are happy can make mum happy.

Thank you brother lover and I wish you the best in the future. 

Name: brotherlover | Date: Aug 10th, 2011 9:27 PM
thanks for all the stuff you said and i will try everything u said thanks again and also im 15 and i noticed that we really didnt start fighting till i had a boyfriend over to the house soo i think he got mad that i was paying on to a different boy than him and i always tell him no matter what happens he will always be my lil boy and i think now that im older i dont want to be havin him fallow me around 24/7 and for awhile there i was telling him to leave me alone and like pushing him out of my life kind of and now i see that i shouldnt have done that and im trying to make up for it

but again thank you for all the info you gave me 

Name: Edwardliu | Date: Aug 12th, 2011 11:20 AM
You do the great job, brother lover. My old daughter is 19 years old. I send her to the university in the different city. I am very scared that her brother will destroy her marriage in the future. She visits us on every school holiday. She is very smart and works hard. She has a lot of friends. She doesn't have boy friends yet. The main thing is that when the boy wants to date her, she gets very stress. I think that she doesn't know how to tell the boy about her brother. All her friends don't know anything about her brother yet because I always warn her not saying anything about it. What do your boy friends think about your brother?
I always think has a autism son is miserable. I need my other two daughters to be happy. So I send my old daughter far away. I want her study there and work there. Then she tells me she will come back when she finishes. I just tell her that she can make up her own decision when she graduates. I think she will understand autism because she is studying medicine.
Every time when my old daughter comes back, I always give my son some new toys or cloths and tell my son his big sister buys some presents and likes him. And he is very happy with his sister. My old daughter was very busy. In holidays, she went out with her old friends, gym, party. She only spends a few hours with my son. Sometimes she take her little sister out. I am very happy with that. Sometimes we talk about his brother. She is more positive. Now my son is from low function autism to high function autism. Maybe asperger in the future. My daughter just tells me a lot of international students in her university is not social, Who cares so much?

How about your little brother? Does he talk now? 

Name: brotherlover | Date: Aug 14th, 2011 1:00 AM
Yea he talks and some of my friends kno about him but most of them dont and boyfriends I only told one but we not together no more 

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