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Name: samuel chudley
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Hello, me and my partner are struggling with our daughter she does not talk or communicate with us, my daugher only babbles.

We were told the diagnosis was autism by the child development team last week.

My partner suffers with her mental health and we have no external family support.

Does any one know about respite, or online chat rooms with other parents.

has anyone else got a daugher who has Autism?
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Name: MommyFaith | Date: May 28th, 2008 8:34 AM
Hi Samuel,

There are a lot of chat rooms that you can join and definitely a lot of help out there. As for myself , my daughter is also diagnosed at 2 years and 3 mos of age. Currently , we are exploring biomedical approach for her and have started her on the GFCF diet. Do not worry , you are not alone in this battle , you may try to visit these sites :

- You can find valuable information from this site with regards to starting a diet for ASD kids as well as parents support group
-You can also join the gfcfkids forum where parents with autistic child share their views on the diet , treatment options and even government subsidies for the treatment

- Website on biomedical treatment approach on autism and list of doctors around US and other countries that you can consult regarding your child


- A must-see site that will give you a lot of hope for your child , also discusses biomedical approach and other topics related to autism.

Just continue to read , explore options for your child and of course prayers .. there is no such thing as 'Hopeless' if we persevere..

God Bless,

Mommy Faith 

Name: I know | Date: Jun 1st, 2008 5:38 PM
Hi there Samuel, just wondered whether they said where on the autistic spectrum your daughter is? I do feel for you as my 6 year old son is being reassessed for autism and it can be very stressful. Depending where you are there are weekend clubs that can help with respite for you. Ask your specialists as much as you can, unfortunately information is seldom given.
By the way my son also used to bable only at that age and with LOADS of intense work- ( which included me doing specified tasks with him) he now does talk- although only about things that interest him which is animals. It's not really a conversation but at least he talks now.
All I want to say is that you are not alone, also don't try to be superman! That was my mistake- trying to be supermum. Eventually I broke down and it took quite some time to get better. It's very easy to burn yourself out but it's not all doom and gloom. Just remember don't take all the credit or all the blame- it helps when you start to feel overwhelmed.
Awful as it may sound you will find that you will have to work with the autism to get what you want from her, but you will learn.
Also if you do get respite take the time to be a couple- it's so easy to loose that in this situation as you get so tired.
Either way I know that things do progress and sometimes when you give up hope they surprise you and show you that they have taken it in! It's worth the wait but don't beat yourself up if this doesn't happen. If she has obsessions use them to get into "her world" cos it works.
Really wish you all the best, 

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