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Name: cgloceri
[ Original Post ]
Hi Ladies.. Once again I am here seeking your advice.. We spent 18 hours at the hospital last night and today. My son began to vomit after a bottle of formula and breast milk. He happen to do this in his sleep and was not able to get it all out. He began to choke and was loosing consciousness. Long story short, 911 was called and they gave him oxygen as he was lacking it from the filling of his nose and lungs with the vomit. As soon as I heard this gong on I rushed in and I did not think he got that much internal, but he did.

I really believe that it has something to do with the formula. Have any of you found one that is easy on the bellies, can be mixed 2oz formula and 2 oz breast milk and will not cause throwing up. I know every child is different, but there has to be a gentler formula. I feel like such a bad mom because I can not supply him with all the breast milk he needs, but I just recently headed back to work and my days are so fast I can not find a proper schedule to pump... UGH.. Mamal.. where are you?? What do all you think. The formula he was on was the Enfamil Lipid with Iron. Tomorrow I will try the Similac... Any thoughts??
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Name: mamal | Date: Jun 21st, 2007 3:03 AM
I am so sorry that happened to you. You must have been so scared. I am glad that your little one is ok. I would have to agree with you on it being the formula. I found a bit of info that I hope is helpful.

Cow’s milk and soy allergies are very common in babies during their first year of life so there is a chance that your baby may be intolerant to a specific type of formula. If your baby is intolerant to an infant formula he may spit up more after eating, become constipated.

Is it safe to mix breastmilk and formula?

It is safe to mix breastmilk with formula in the same bottle, but then you risk wasting your precious breastmilk if your baby doesn’t finish the whole bottle. If you are supplementing expressed breastmilk feedings with formula it is best to offer a bottle of expressed milk first then offer a bottle of formula if he still seems hungry.

This site compares and contrasts the different types of formulas. It seems very helpful.


also gives some info on the types of formulas to use

hope some or all of this can help you. I know you must be so freaked. Good Luck! You are doing a great job and keep up the good work. On a side note you may want to power pump over your days off and build up your supply a bit. If you would like to know more about it just let me know. Again good luck with everything. 

Name: cgloceri | Date: Jun 21st, 2007 6:05 PM
Oh thanks mamal... you are so knowledgeable... I will check out that info tonight. I just feel so terrible.. But Connor had a great night last night and he and mom slept together (poor dad took the guest room :) ). He even let me sleep from 830 till 8 with one feeding.. what a good boy... I will keep you posted and if there are any other moms who have found one formuls over the other that seems to work and not cause any side effects, please post here... thanks everyone... 

Name: cgloceri | Date: Jun 25th, 2007 4:47 AM
I tried the ten minutes on and 10 off for power pumping.. No luck.. Is it possible I could be drying up? I did just come off my period (that I got already after 3 months) . Could it have something to do with my hormones I am also drinking mothers milk tea. not as bad as I thought it may be ... 

Name: Angelcecilia2 | Date: Jun 25th, 2007 1:59 PM
There are a couple of special formulas out there that are for sensitive tummies -- Enfamil Gentlease, and I think Nutramigen is similac's version. But definitely ask your doctor before switching! 

Name: mamal | Date: Jun 25th, 2007 7:08 PM
Are you on 'the pill'? This dries the milk up even the low dose. Also with the power pumping did you do this for 2 days? It takes a little while to get that up and going again. Power pumping takes some serious time and patience. It sounds like you really want this to go so I truly think you can do it.
"Some moms find it helpful to do a 2-3 day long power pump every couple of weeks to "super charge" their milk supply. This is simply a nursing vacation with pumping added in. On these days, get lots of rest, nurse very frequently and pump after as many nursing sessions as possible. "

This has some great info

a big bravo on getting that milk down. You go girl!
You are doing great! Keep up the good work! 

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