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Name: breemichelle
[ Original Post ]
My baby is 7 days old and breast feeding is so much harder than I thought it would be. I feel like all I do all day is feed my baby. I don' t want to give up, I keep telling myself it HAS to get easier otherwise women would not BF for as long as they do. I knew it was going to be a big commitment but it's just so tiring right now.
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Name: missmara | Date: May 4th, 2007 3:56 AM
It does get easier! It's brand new for you and baby, so it takes a lot of practice. It's great that you're sticking it out. It does seem that way in the beginning that all you do is nurse, but that will help your supply and eventually your baby will go longer between feedings. I think breastfeeding is the most selfless thing you can do for your baby. You're giving your baby a wonderful gift! Hang in there and let us know how it's going! 

Name: roseywosey | Date: May 4th, 2007 9:50 AM
uhh.. i wouldnt know cause i havnt had my baby yet.. BUT it must get easier.. i just saw on television a mother that still breastfeeds her daughter at the age of 8 years old!!!! 

Name: mother2five | Date: May 4th, 2007 12:52 PM
omg bree it took me my fifth baby to get it right and now i SERIOUSLY REGRET not having done this with all of them, the first month is hard but once you pass the first 4-5 weeks it's smooth sailing from there, be sure your changing breast and using dif. feeding pos. for nipple soreness try lanoline and sooties and you can also put a cold cabbage leaf in your bra. 

Name: mamal | Date: May 4th, 2007 1:18 PM
Ohhh sweetie! It does get easier! I also had a baby that fed all of the time. He fed for a 1/2 hour and than would feed again an hour and a half later. This continued for a few weeks. I had been sleep deprived before but wow! Do remember to sleep whenever the baby sleeps, housework will always be there. You are doing a great job!!! If you ever need any help or just a bit of encouragement give us a hollar. We are here for you! You deserve a big pat on the back, YOU ARE DOING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did notice in the other forum that you said you were using a nipple shield and was worried about weaning from it. I have a link that may help.

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 4th, 2007 2:08 PM
It is very tiring in the beginning, but it does get easier. Try to stick in there! There are so many health benefits to breastfeeding - for both you and the baby. Try to focus on these things - you're giving your baby the best start in life. 

Name: ginamom | Date: May 4th, 2007 3:07 PM
I believe it gets easier but it hardwork and despite what everyone says about the health benefits you no less of a mother if your not able to breast feed. You have to at the end do whats best for you and baby no matter what others opinions are. I am a new mom and breastfeeding and the first week was hard and yes the week is hard too but it is getting better. 

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