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Name: jo
[ Original Post ]
ok so my son is 8 months and is teething. hes on 2 meals aday and in the middle of being weaned i took him to the health visitor who told me to stop night feeds totaly but him him during the day. my son feedes to sleep and is imposible to get to sleep have tried everything but he will cry for hours. i dnt no wot to do cause family members say o carry on they grow out of it and other people say make them sleep through. he wakes fairly often (he is theething tho) but he has one night feed. wot do you guys do]]
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Name: mamal | Date: May 20th, 2007 9:09 PM
I am not sure if I understand everything correctly. You are asking if it is ok to cut out the night feeding? IMHO 8 months is a little early to cut out the night feeding but that is totally my opinion. Up until a year the nutrients are coming fully from the breastmilk and because it is digested so quickly the little guy will need to feed in the middle of the night or at least he will be hungry. I am a big fan of following babies ques. If he is crying he is trying to tell you something. Just like you or I we don't like to be ignored so I can't imagine our children feel any differently. This is your baby and you are the one that has to be there when he crys, not the doc. I would follow your motherly instinct on this one. Mama knows best! 

Name: BabyDrae12 | Date: May 21st, 2007 7:26 PM

Very very well said! 

Name: LindsayK | Date: May 31st, 2007 3:00 AM
My daughter is 8 months, also. She's on 4 meals a day and still nurses 6 or 7 times a day. 2-3 of those times are during the night. I agree with Maml, follow baby's ques. I wish my daughter would sleep through, but I'm not going to ignore her hunger. 

Name: dreb | Date: Jun 20th, 2007 4:20 AM
Every child is different, most of mine slept through the night at a year and all are well. Dont be afraid to let your baby cry. I think every ten minutes go in and give hug and lay them back down and say night night the another 10 after a few days they usually will sleep good. 

Name: Anna22 | Date: Jun 24th, 2007 6:51 AM
omg i used to sleep with my daughter (done it with both of my children but my son i didnt brestfrrd) anyway when she woke up she latched on lol she used to bum shuffle along the bed .and latch on, she did this right up till i had to go into hospital i didnt even know she was latched on becasue i would fall asleep or be asleep. Just so you know i dont move much in my sleep and have no risk of rolling onto my children it was my personal choice to have them in my bed and people probaly would bad mouth me for it but it was what was right for me at the time especialy as i am single mum 

Name: Anna22 | Date: Jun 24th, 2007 6:52 AM
my daughter had night feeds till she was 14 months, go with your childs cue 

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