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Name: jeffnjasharstad
[ Original Post ]
my 2 wk old daughter again just threw up...i just fed her 15-20 mins ago. she did this 2x yesterday too. then she cries for a couple mins then shes fine. does that happen once in a while? does she eat too much? 3-3 1/2 oz....but when i give her 2 oz or 2 1/2 oz she wants more??
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Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: Apr 13th, 2007 8:41 PM
Can you describe what type of vomiting it is? Is it dribbling out of her mouth? Is it forcefully coming out? What colour is it and how much? Does she have any diarrhoea? Is she running a temperature?

3oz isn't too much for a baby of this age. 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Apr 13th, 2007 8:47 PM
she throws up all or half of what she drank, it's just the milk that comes up, no diarreah or temp...she is perfectly fine otherwise... 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: Apr 13th, 2007 10:04 PM
Is it coming out very forcefully, or just a normal vomit.

Perhaps her stomach just needs to extend a little to accomodate the volume of milk. Sometimes, vomiting can be caused by reflux or pyloric stenosis - that's a narrowing of part of the end of the stomach. The vomit comes out very forcefully if an infant has that problem. 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: Apr 13th, 2007 10:05 PM
reflux can be helped by nursing them upright - particularly after feeds and propping the head of the cot up a little. It goes away by itself in time. 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Apr 13th, 2007 11:17 PM
its just normal vomit, like what do you mean by forcefully, it just comes out like she is spitting up but she is just throwing up. i do feed her with her sitting upright. i hold her...hmm...maybe she just over eats...she likes the breastmilk and if she could she's sip on it off and on all day. i think she just swallows too much at one time and maybe doesnt burp up all her air bubbles, so maybe its that...i'll keep an eye on her, it happened only once today and twice yesterday, so im hoping no more...thanks for the advice i'll keep it in mind 

Name: Emma2 | Date: Apr 14th, 2007 12:55 AM
try holding her after she's done feeding... i had to put my daughter with her back to my chest and just let her sit up for a good 10 - 15 mins after each feed at your daughters age to get her to keep more down. i was also given advice by someone to rub her tummy clockwise to help her start digesting (especially after a long feed) before moving her around too much. 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: Apr 14th, 2007 9:28 AM
When I was training I spent some time on the 1-12 months ward. Some of the other staff decorated a couple of pillars on the ward with some crepe paper. We had a couple of babies who were well enough to be allowed to trundle around in a babywalker.

I fed this one little chap a bottle of milk then sat him on my knee for a while talking to him. He was facing me at the time.

Suddenly, he started to throw up!!!!! Gallons of milk came up..........along with........several pieces of bright blue crepe paper!!!!!! *LOL*

He'd been cruising around in his babywalker picking bits off the collage thing and eating it!!!!!!!! *LOL* 

Name: julie23 | Date: Apr 15th, 2007 3:30 AM
I had the same concern with my first... but I think you can rest assure...she's not throwing up as much as it looks like she is. Some of it is milk some of it is saliva.I would mention it to your doctor, but don't worry too much. 

Name: missmara | Date: Apr 16th, 2007 5:34 AM
Another suggestion: you may need to burp her more often, like halfway through the feeding or after each ounce. 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Apr 17th, 2007 8:18 PM
well she hasnt thrown up since i posted this post a few days ago....yay! yeah i burp her after the first ounce then after even 1/2 oz after that...she is doing fine....whew....i notice she tried pooping during the feedings and she probably was squeezing too hard or trying to squeeze and drink just didnt mix and made her throw up, who knows...but she is fine...thanks everyone :) 

Name: anjelsin | Date: Apr 22nd, 2007 7:47 PM
She might have reflux. ask her doc about zantac. my daughter used to throw up too. Zantac was a big helper. 

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