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Name: thejenfrenzy
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I am in a wonderful relationship with a man that is divorced with two kids, 7 and 9 years old. The kids adore me, and I adore them. I've never been married, and have no children of my own. When I first started dating M, the ex (who is remarried) was very supportive of our relationship, and even called me "Mommy #2". However, as time has gone by (we've been together over a year) she has gotten more and more vindictive and unpleasant. Whenever we exchange the kids, she almost always makes little comments about how well she knows M, and things that they did when they were together. Mind you, she has "full custody of the children (and receives that much child support) but we have the kids from after school until bedtime two weekdays per week, and also every Saturday morning until Sunday evening. She refuses to drive to pick the kids up or drop them off. She was planning to move the kids to a town almost an hour away, and didn't understand how this would cut back on our visits with them. Her exact words: "If you want to see the kids, just do it. I'm not keeping them from you!" Luckily, the home loan fell through. She gave me an old sweatshirt of hers because she and M had the same one and she "doesn't think M and her need to have matching sweatshirts". M refuses to stand up to her and call her on her catty behavior. When she is catty to me, he insists that she's trying to be nice, or he laughs it off as just the way she is. This past weekend when we had the kids, the 7-year-old had a wretched stomachache and the ex was angry that we didn't call her about it right away. However, when the symptoms recurred the following evening when the child was at the ex's, they brought her to the ER (it was a bad case of constipation), but she didn't bother to let us know about the hospital visit until after noon the next day! M wasn't bothered by this. I am going out of my mind with anger and frustration with her, and I can't talk to M about it because he won't do anything about it and I just come off sounding like a whiny b----. There is so much more about her that's irritating, but I could write for days and still have more to say... I don't know what to do.
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Name: poke | Date: Dec 15th, 2009 2:32 PM
You have to back off. The kids and their life is their life and has nothing to do with you. You've been there for a year and if you don't think you can handle it then you need to cut tail and run, because it gets worse.

She's mad now because she didn't think you would last. Now that you are she's mad. She don't want him, but she don't want him to be happy with someone else either. It gets worse as time goes by trust me. I've been there and done that 

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