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What is nobody understanding here,, I posted a topic awhile ago about this,and all i got back was women who argued and said that " my husband didnt beat me ,but he spent all out money ,, or my favorite was I love him but Im not in love with him,,, gorw up all you you whiney people an work for once.
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Name: you're clueless | Date: Apr 20th, 2009 1:28 PM
You sound like someone who was dumped. I applaud your wife. I read your last thread and wasn't even going to respond but I its unreasonable people like you who have no clue that make women want to give up. A marriage is worth saving if there are two rationale people involved. You however do not sound like a rationale person. Not everything is black and white. 

Name: poke | Date: Nov 23rd, 2009 6:13 PM
I would have to agree with unreal.

Marraige is a commitment, and I took it seriously. I love you, but I'm not in love with you. all that's means is, I'm borad at the time and this is too hard for me.

When my wife left she couldn't find anything wrong with me, and I mean nothing and she will tell you that today. I was a great husband and a really great father.

She has a problem of when she meets now friends and if their single and party people that's what she wants. I have told her in the past that she could go out with her friends and I would sit with the kids from time to time while she gets a break.

She said she would feel guilty going out while I sat home with the kids.

A few, months ago she started talking to this new girl and becomeing friends. I told one of my friends that I would be single in less than two months. I think it took all of four weeks before she moved out, and another four weeks to file.

like I said she had no reason for this other than she's selfish and is tired of being a grown up and being a mom. I say tough shat deal with it.

Since then I have had the kids most of the time. I love the kids and enjoy having them with me. She never has them. even on the weekdends she does have them she gets a babysitter. The boy was my step son, however I love him as much as I love my own kids and he loves me so I keep him most of the time too. that way he don't have to go to someones house while his mom goes out. 

Name: Angie | Date: Jun 3rd, 2011 3:47 AM

Name: XandirsMummy | Date: Jun 7th, 2011 11:51 AM

Name: getreal | Date: Jan 15th, 2013 9:22 AM
anyone who commites themselves to be with someone in a marrage and just leaves needs to wake up and realize that their head stinks because its been up their ass so far because their the weakest little bitch this side of the universe and cant handle a simple relationship what a bitch..bongggg get real 

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