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Name: Mike
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I'm looking for and need help... I'm a 28 year old man that has been in an 8 year relationship and 5 years married next week we have 2 kids. A 6 year old boy and a 2 year old girl. . 6 months ago my wife told me she wanted to leave me. She states I wasn't romantic with her and we were not compatible. I admit not being happy towards the end but routine and stress can be a killer in a marriage. I have never cheated, verbally or physically abused my wife. I'm a hardworking man and a loving husband and father. I was the provider. However I do see my lack as a romantic husband and that has changed. We lived separated for 3 months in the same home. She came in and out as she pleased. I was after her. Begging and pleading for her to stay. In august I found our communication to be better and there was signs of hope. In sept I found out that someone else was in the picture. I can only confirm this persons appearance only one month after our separation. Which she was still living in our home. She moved out the 8 th of sept. Still knowing what she has done, I continued to chase her. In october I found out the person she was with was cheating on her and like the sap that I am I comforted her and took her under my wing for a weekend. She told me she wanted to be friends first and to fall in love with her husband again. I did the most amazing things for her to show her how much I love her. I even cancelled a trip to NY where I was supposed to go with someone I made effort to date and I took my wife instead. That weekend was great! Though there was no intimacy, we had that husband wife bond again. It felt positive. We came back and it was like if nothing happened. When I question about us. She gets upset and frustrated. Last week was her birthday And I made an attempt to take her out. She has blowing me off. I finally ask her if she is back with that person and she said yes. At that point I wished her the best apologized for everything and told her I was going to file for the divorce. She was upset and told me she wasn't doing anything without an attorney and she had already made an appt to see one. I was crushed. I had left her alone and was civil for several days. Last sat, I get an email from her telling me that she knows it's selfish of her but she was with the kids and my son asked her what's wrong? And she told him. I miss daddy. She then tells me how much she misses me and I'm an amazing man and sometimes she looks at herself and says look what you've done. She said it was just a moment and it would probably pass. Again I've continued to try knowing she has someone else. I can't sleep, concentrate on work or even enjoy my children because of the pain I have inside. Please help someone where I am in desperation to save my marriage or find a way to heal and make this all go away!
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