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Name: Jackie
[ Original Post ]
My husband had been married and had a son befor we had met each other. We are now married and have a son. When my husband got his divorice he just signed the papers his ex had made up to get it over with. After he figured out she had screwed him over left him with nothing but the "old bedding" "his clothes" and only being able to see his son 1 day every other week with no over night visits, he was regreting not getting an attorney. His ex, after moving 2 hours away, decided we could get his son every other weekend. It seemed like as soon as she found out I was preg we see him less and less. It s the middle of Feb and we have not seen him since Christmas. She is always calling wanting to cry to my husband about how bad her boyfriend (who she was preg by before they were divoriced) treats her. When he tells her he really doesnt want to hear about it she gets mad ands says he doesnt care about his son. Or if she calls and he doesnt answer she will leave messages that his son is really sick and she has to take him to the hospital and when he calls back nothing was wrong. We are paying chid support every month to her when she has not worked for 6 months and are not even being able to see my step son. We found out the other day that she has been telling her grandmother that we have not been paying our child support so that she will give her money. This is not all she does. She acts like I should not be involed in my step sons life at all. This summer I called and asked to come get him and take him to the water park with my son and I. She later told my husband that the reason he didnt get to go was because I called not him. I dont know what to do. She went as far as to tell my mother in law that she is not going to let my husband see his son so he will realize what he is giong to lose by being with me!
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