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Name: BR910102
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I am new to this sight (about 2 wks.) I have been seperated since April 2005!! I thought maybe it was my first lawyer but now I'm not so sure. My court date was supposed to be next week (4th one) but I hear from my new lawyer yesterday and he wants more time to prepare and maybe come up with a settlement.

Is this normal? All I have asked for is everything 50/50!
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Name: winnmom | Date: Jan 20th, 2007 1:29 AM
depends which country you are in......Are children involved? 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Jan 20th, 2007 2:11 AM
I take it your spouse is holding things up? 

Name: Lory | Date: Jan 20th, 2007 2:49 AM
If you have children, and your spouse is the hold up...it could take a few to run through the courts. If your in the U.S. the courts and attorneys usually have to come up with an agreement (settlement) that both parties agree on to take to the judge. Good Luck and I hope things start moving for you soon! 

Name: tweetybird4 | Date: Jan 21st, 2007 1:07 AM
Well, my divorce took me 18 month. However, we were fighting over custody of the children, too. I gave in to alot of issues because my main concern was the children. We had to work alot of issues out between us and the lawyers before it was presented to the judge for approval. However, if you don't agree on anything it could take longer. Granted, I only wanted what was fair but it always seems like the other party isn't very cooperative. I wish you luck and hope things will work out for you. Going through the court system can be a real pain in the butt. Especially, if your anxious to get it done and over with. 

Name: BR910102 | Date: Jan 21st, 2007 1:40 AM
Thanks for all the responses! We have 3 children involved and we are in the US. We actually had an agreement planned out and then he bad mouthed my daughter (he adopted her) so our daughter, and from there I hired a new lawyer in 12/06 and now we get to start all over again it seems like. Custody isn't even an issue with him. He wants me to have physical custody and he gets the house, I agreed!!! He wants the divorce also he just doesn't want to participate to get it over!! 

Name: tweetybird4 | Date: Jan 21st, 2007 2:46 AM
Geez, he's willing to take the house from you and the children. Oh, that's really nice of him!!! So this means, you have to find another place to live with the children? I'm sorry, I'm a little bitter about that. My ex fought over our house, too! Honestly, I knew I couldn't afford it but it was just the fact that he was only thinking about causing me to struggle taking care of three children instead of allowing them to live in a place they called home. However, my ex wanted sole custody and the house so I wasn't willing to bargin my children. Sounds like your soon to be ex doesn't want to be bothered with the children? I'm sorry, I do hope things will go easy for you but don't count on it. I've changed lawyers several times too but it took me a while to find the one, who was willing to fight for the important issues. I certainly hope he be forced to pay you child support if he's willing to give you custody of the children. It doesn't mean that you are looking to take him to the cleaners but you are entitle to what the law states. Therefore, you have every right to exercise what's available to you. Just be careful, he could be setting you up. While consulting your attorney make sure he/she has you and the children's best interests at heart. Don't sell yourself too short. 

Name: Lory | Date: Jan 21st, 2007 4:03 AM
Oh lordy! As tweetybird4 said, I cannot believe he's wanting the house. Geez, I am sorry you and your children are having to find a place to live also! My honest advice to you, (i know it's in the attorneys hands at this point) Hang on! Go ahead and take the sole physical custody, and...keep it! Raise your children to the best of your ablility. And....please ask for child support, college, dental, medical etc. now. If you don't have it put into the order now...you won't get it in the future! I know from experience!! When there's a spouse who doesn't agree with anything on the loose...it does take awhile to run it's course in the courts! Be patient, look out for your children's and your best interest and future! I wish you well, and much luck on this! Take Care!! 

Name: stepmom19 | Date: Jan 21st, 2007 4:29 AM
my fiance has been getting in the process of a divorce for 7 years ... now that we are engaged I am stating to worry too ... seems like it takes some people no time at all, why should this be different... 

Name: Lory | Date: Jan 21st, 2007 4:37 AM
7 yrs? What on earth is the hold up? That is ridiculous! I have never even heard of that in my life!

Did he/she recently start divorce proceedings? It's different in all cases. Depends on if children are involved, marital assets, (states vary on laws) how long they were married, attorneys, and...how uncooperative spouse really wants to be!
Good Luck!! 

Name: BR910102 | Date: Jan 23rd, 2007 2:22 AM
Well I should state that by me getting the kids and not the house that I got what I wanted!! He is ordered to pay $1400.00 a month but no with holding order yet!! I offered to lower support if he would start paying, that only lasted 2 months. I just want to be able to move on with my children. I'm just hoping that the divorce being final will give me some relief from some of the grief that I am feeling. The hardest part is we still take the kids places together as a family even though we all know we are divorcing. Yet, I know he traded his kids for a house and doesn't care to support them. Two of the kids are to young to understand that but I don't want them to ever know that!! 

Name: Lory | Date: Jan 23rd, 2007 3:39 PM
hi BR910102! I understand the feeling of just wanting it to be over and moving on! And...how admirable on both of you to continue to do things as a family!! That is truly a blessing for your children!! (I only wish more people were like that)
Yes...it would be hard for me to think of my x picking material things over our child also!! Very selfish! I want to tell you please don't sell yourself short to get it over with. It is really hard (I know) to do that...when all your wanting is it done and over with!! I'm sorry your having to go through this and wish you and your family well!! Hang in there! 

Name: island222 | Date: Feb 1st, 2007 12:11 AM
I think you should fight about the home issue, normally the parent that keeps the children, stays in the house....if the isn;t cooperating then it can take 18 months to 2 years.... only if both parties are willing to discuss the isses and settle will it be done fast.... 

Name: tanya1982 | Date: Feb 13th, 2007 1:56 PM
well I filed for divorce from my 1st husband on march 6th i had a custody hearing may 14th and my divorce was final july 25th all the same year 

Name: Lory | Date: Feb 13th, 2007 2:33 PM
Wow tanya1982! That is fast! I guess every situation is different. Some would rather have it go that way...believe me! But, there's always the "difficult" people out there! Who keep it going for the sake of keeping it going!! 

Name: Serina S | Date: Feb 13th, 2007 8:21 PM
I only have a second but NO money NO seeing the kids PERIOD ANd see about half of the house ...You will need thatmoney for a new place or at least have hime give you a bulk amount .
Sorry pressed for time Just ghad to say this...for now
Very best of luck!!
Hey tweetybird4 Miss ya girl!!\
XO Serina 

Name: kelly | Date: Feb 5th, 2008 7:29 PM
Have a different question? Sorry, If you lived in another county, left and moved to another county and live there now, then filed for the divorce? The mate is saying that she can't make it to the county? Can that happen? She does have a car and job, and family here to help? 

Name: Don't | Date: Feb 6th, 2008 7:34 PM
Don't get divorce in the frist place is the right and proper answer. 

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