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Name: nortra
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My fiancee's ex wife hate me....not because of anything I have done but just because he is happy again and she sees that she may be losing control over him. She is remarried and has been for over 2 years...they have been divorced for 6 years. They have triplet 11 year old daughters. The girls birthday is coming up and we are all splitting a trip to Disney World between us, her and their grandparents. We have decided to have a family dinner to give them their gift so we can all enjoy the reaction(s). However, she said that since we are not married yet, that I am not part of the family and therefore should not be included. He put his foot down and said that I was going to be there as everyone else wanted me there. So I am going but I know that she is going to be putting me in some very uncomfortable situations just to make me look bad or lose it with her in from of everyone so she can say "I told you so"! How should I handle it? Turn the other cheek everytime and kill her with kindness or stand my ground so she gets that she cannot back me in a corner? I would never do anything in front of the girls....but how should I handle it if we are alone? Thanks
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Name: Sara B | Date: Dec 27th, 2012 9:31 PM
I have been married 5 years and have 4 stepchildren. You have to be the bigger person in all situations no matter how angry you are. The children will remember how you handled situation. And no matter what she does, you have to remember she is their mother and there will always be loyalty there. I know it is hard...BELIEVE ME...but I always vent to my husband and let him handle it. I have a great relationship with all my stepchildren b/c I am kind and loving to them, and never bad mouth their mother. They will consider your home a safe place if they know they can go there and talk about their mom or do their own venting knowing you won't judge and just listen. I hope this helps! 

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